Chapter 34: Took my Perfect 10 Away

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She sat down and stared at me.

"You heard me. I've always felt like that."

"But why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because no one asked! They all made decisions for me."

"No we didn't!"

"You guys were the first to hook me up with Joey!"

"Because you liked him and he loved you!"

"Yeah but notice why my relationship with Bradley has gone better than Joey?"


"And I had no help conquering him because I didn't need to. He won my heart fair and square." Just as that moment, Brad came down the stairs. "Hi, honey."

"Hello Tammy, love." He said flopping beside me and Jessica.

"I think I should go." Miranda got up and left.

"What happened? Is she with James Mcvey?" He asked.

"Hang on." I kissed him quickly. "No. She is with a guy names James Knight."

"Oh. James Knight, ey?"

"Yeah." At that moment, the doorbell rang. Bradley arose and opened the door. A girl, my size, black hair with emerald eyes. She was in a dress and looked satisfied.

"Bradley! My love! I found you!" She leaned in and kissed him. Right in front of me! His fiancé!


"Hiya baby. Miss me?"

"Skylar what are you doing in England?"

"I came for a visit. I finally decided to come back and pick off where we left off. Are you happy to see me? Cos you don't look happy to see me."

"I am but ...."

"Hello, I'm his fiancé. And you are making me look embarrassed that my boyfriend has exes with respect and can do what they want." I said.

"Um, excuse me, we are in a private chat."

"Yeah, in my house with our twins upstairs, and I am right here."


"We had kids. They're less than a week old."

"Bradley! Why'd you do this to me!? You made me lose my V-card. Together. How many other girls did you make them lose theirs?!

"We broke up when we were sixteen!" He yelled.

"Yeah, because you wanted to be with your mom!"

"I had to! And I was going to be in a band with James! We were dating for maybe three years! We had a good friendship. That's all we should have because in three weeks, I will be married."

"Do you honestly love her?!" I stood there, my face was turning red. I moved Brad out of my way and slapped her face. She fell to the floor, touching where my face had hit her. "Ow!"

"You won't mess with my love life, bitch!" I yelled. Bradley grabbed my arm, throwing me to the couch. He got on me, for I was struggling to give her more of what she deserved.

"Tammy! Calm down!" He yelled.

"No! She deserves what she got and more!" I shouted back.

"Stop! You are acting childish!"

"At least I have a point why!"

"Just stop! This isn't the Tammy Scaletta I fell in love with!"

"This is who you got! You are meeting the true me!" He got off me walking to Skylar, who was on the floor, crying. "I hate you! I hate you!" Brad picked up Skylar and left.

Ten minutes later, he came back in and went upstairs. I was still on the couch, where he left me, in tears. I kept playing with the necklace he gave me. And my promise ring. I saw he came down with luggage. He was leaving. Why? Why is leaving me? I saw he was holding Toby. Where was he going with Toby? He put a note beside me and left, leaving his keys on the end table. My heart ached. What did I just put myself into?

I calmed down after hearing Brenda's constant cries. I saw Toby's clothes were missing. I saw he replay of Brad with luggage. I saw me saying I hate you. But I said that to Skylar. Not Brad. I love Brad. I remember the note. I ran downstairs and grabbed it.

"My dearest Tammy,

I see you hate me now. Skylar isn't anything but I guess you weren't up to it today. I had a better girl than her but I guess you can't see that. Are you blind? Because you couldn't see that I tried to explain. You dove into the situation. Slapping her showed you aren't the bigger person. I am leaving. I am taking Toby with me because it is only fair if we each get one of the twins. I will find where to go but don't worry. I know how you feel. The wedding is officially off. We'll find a way to share Jessica but for now, you can stay withr her. Take care of Brenda for me.

Love always,

Bradley Will Simpson xoxoxo

P.s. I know you were lying about Miranda and James. James called me and confessed himself. So I guess we're even."

The note still had the faintest pheromone of Brad. I clutched the note with rage. Now I really am the caged songbird. I began to burst into tears. I reopened the note and noticed a design on it. A bunch of dotes connected.

I kept looking at those dotes connected but I didn't know what they meant. What did they mean? I began thinking on what they could mean but I couldn't find a sufficient and reasonable answer.

Constellations! My stars! It hit me abruptly and I got up and ran upstairs. I grabbed Brenda and ran out the house with Jessica on the harness. Brad wasn't there. He was gone. I walked the mile to his parents house and saw Natalie outside, crying.


"Tammy." She arose and hugged me. I saw a silhouette enveloped the dark glass of the door. "What happened? Brad came back home, he was in desolation. He wasn't Brad."

"A girl named Skylar showed up at my door..."

"Skylar? Skylar Singer? Brad's ex from almost four years?"

"I guess."

"What was she doing there?"

"Taking Brad away from me. She kissed him and everything!"

"Oh, she is going to hear me. I have her eldest brother' number still. I'll call him."

"Don't bother. The wedding is off." At that moment, her phone fell to the grass and was stagnant.


"You heard me, Nat. It's over. I lost." Her face turned red. She picked up her phone and darted inside. Brenda and Jessica just sort of looked at me. My perfect 10 was taken away but now? What was going to happen? I hope Natalie doesn't do anything she might regret with Brad or for me.

All I Want to be is Somebody To You (A Bradley Simpson fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now