E R I C // C O U L T E R

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Movie: Divergent


Imagine you are Amity but in a relationship with Eric.


Your meeting was an accident, a mistake more like. With your chance gone to enter any other faction, you opted to watch Dauntless  as they did their morning runs. It was the farthest you could get from the do-gooders. But, this was only every few days a month. For, the journey between the Amity farms and the deserted city was a long way away.

It was unlikely for him to find you. Yet he did. Eric Coulter, a leader of Dauntless caught you as you crouched on the fire escape. He was entranced by you. The orange and red of Amity clothes framed your arousing figure plus, your (H/C) hair looked so soft to touch while it framed your beautiful face. You were honestly happy he found you. And instead of a punishment, he asked you to meet him every now and again.

Was it forbidden? You never heard of two different people from different factions being together. Probably because it was taboo, unable to be spoken about. However, you went forward anyway.

As your meetings increased, you grew a care in your heart. It clawed at your ribs with every beat, especially if he was with you. Even the silence became exciting. Hands held, bodies intertwined, lips locked. You were one in every aspect of a human. Now, you only had to keep such a relationship a secret.

Eric was wary, him being a leader allowed him to get away with more. He was proud of that. Without it, none of what you had would have been birthed. He was soft and gentle in your presence, he wasn't the leader you had heard of, the cruel and cold Eric Coulter.

In the darkness, you would meet, whispering of how everything would be impossible, how nothing would go right with you being Amity and him being Dauntless. However, you had to power through the doubts. That training would allow you to fight the bigger battles, win the war.

"The stiff is getting on my nerves!" Eric announced as he walked into your secret hiding spot. He ran his hands through his overly gelled hair before he slid down the wall to sit beside you. Again and again, the stiff with no name was his main topic. He absolutely resented her, she seemed to be full of herself from what you had heard from him. But, it was most likely bias due to his position and general cosmos.

"Listen, I bet she will be out and factionless soon, you said she was below the line" you said while intertwining his fingers with your own.

"But, that's the thing. With the times she has on her fear simulation, she's slowly making her way up" he adds.

"Well... Don't you find that suspicious?... She's an Abnegation who is minutes ahead of everyone else",

"You have a point. And I thought you were Amity, what's this peaking through?" He teased, poking at your arm, causing unconscious giggles to slip past your lips.

"Well, I was born Amity, who says I got that on my aptitude test" you smiled, hoping to surprise him with the fact that you were given Erudite... And Abnegation. You couldn't choose either. You could sense the tension between the two factions and you didn't want to be a part of that.

"Erudite?" Eric questioned, raising a pierced eyebrow in the process.

"Correct!" You cheered.

You didn't expect to see that genuine smirk, a light in his blue eyes, but it was there anyway. He allowed the ice from his demeanour to melt once you were in his sights.

So beautiful, he thought.

The day he saw you sitting on the fire escape, your legs dangling over the edge of safety, you were so close to falling yet you had no fear. Most of the time, Eric mistook you for a Dauntless member. However, that could never be.

You were now laying on a neglected sofa, one you both had claimed as your own. While he laid leisurely under you, your legs were trapped between his as you rested on his chest. The sound of his heart beat mimicked his stoic disposition, strong with an ominous rhythm.

"If only you were in Dauntless" he sighed, raking his fingers through your (H/C) hair.

"Then I wouldn't finish initiation, I would be factionless. I wasn't meant to be brave" you announced.

"Seriously? You meeting me here is braver than what I've seen any initiate go through" Eric praised while pressing his lips to your head. Each touch from you sent shivers dancing across his skin.

"Only because we don't know what happens to people like... Us",

"Well then, tell me. Have you heard of any other person integrate the factions? It's forbidden" Eric said.

"We have never heard of it, spoken about it outside our little meetings. We don't know, there could be people like us" You pushed further. You weren't entirely sure of the reason behind it. However, you knew it would either ruin what you have or be worthy.

"And what is produced from it, huh? I know what... Divergents. I don't want to have to kill our own kids!" He spat, causing you to flinch.

"They exist?" You questioned falsely to throw him off, then forcing yourself up into your elbows until your chin was resting on his chest.

"Yes and they're dangerous" Eric reinforced.

"So if our children, half of me... Half of you, were divergent, you would kill them?-" Eric forced himself quiet, tensing his jaw to stop himself from saying something he will regret. "- Would you kill me? Hand us in to Janine? What about-",

"No! I wouldn't, I've gone too far to ever go back" he interrupted.

"Good, because divergence runs in my family".

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