Former DSF members

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Akemi, her first name is unknown but she is still a part of DSF but she changed her mind and no longer is due to getting nearly killed by viktor wolf.She is age 24 and doesn't know anything about her family... She use to be DSF ministry of defense or MOD for short, but she sold them out due to betraying Russia and admitted that she was part of the FSB and the Russian special forces. She got very good training but she is still not capable of defeating the strongest enemies or allies like Wolf and Edward for example. She likes to follow the "natural law" and she has some moral and is a "conspiracy theorist" but does not believe the earth flat and believes the whole thing was a psyop. Akemi enjoy ruling Howland, but sometimes is afraid of her regime collapsing and scared that either she betray the people or the people betray her... so she start to call people the loyalist of Howland who swore to protect Howland and it people and the regime, will those who join the loyalist. But She has long black hair and dark brown eyes. She can be a peaceful and nice person sometimes, but other times she can be desperate,crazy and insane... it just depends and same goes for her bad side but she is lucky but not all the time.

Current status: Alive

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