Torn (A Quinn Fabray Story)

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Chapter 1

"Quinn, Quinn, you okay?" I bolt upright. I see Mr. Schue and the Glee Club staring at me. "Uh, yeah, just a little sleepy" I reply. "Okay. Just stay with us, alright?" Mr. Schue asks me. "Yah. Of course" I answer.

I've been very drowsy lately. It's not my fault, it my moms'. She's always like "You're gonna need a date for Junior Prom or you won't win Queen, Quinny." I mean, I know I really want to win Queen too, but I don't pester myself about it. But she is right, I do need a date. I'm so upset with getting a date that during my free period I wrote a list of boys.








Puck's dating Lauren, Finn's dating Rachel, Artie want Brittany back (Plus I think it would be a little odd), Mike's dating Tina, Sam and I have already dated, and Rick and Dave are total jerks. So, I'm basically screwed.

I'd never admit this to anyone, but I kinda have feelings for Sam and Finn. But Finn is dating Rachel again and I blew my chance with Sam. I used to like Puck, but then he became a complete weirdo. He's dating Lauren, who's my competition, and he like never talks anymore. It's odd, like something's coming out of him that was never inside and just crawled in 4 months ago.

But other than a date, I'm also having troubles with getting votes. My popularity went down when I got kicked off the Cheerios (again) and my competition is Santana, who can scare votes out of people, and Lauren, who people can relate to, like what the HELL?

The second I get home my mom pesters me again. "Hey Quinny, got a d-". "No, mom I don't have a date yet, I promise I'll text you the second I get asked or ask someone" I interrupt my mom, rolling my eyes.

I need a little breakaway I think. I run up to my room and crawl out the window. I used to do this when my dad and sister were fighting over who she was dating. He would've flipped if he found out the real person I got pregnant with I think walking. After a couple of minutes I reach the stream. I walk through a couple of bushes and bushels to get there. I hear someone grunt.

I duck under the bush I was in front of. I walk a little to the left to see if I can see anyone. I see a little mohawk.

"Puck?" I ask the mysterious person. He turns around. "Who's there? I carry a machete!" He turns around and stands up. I stand up, too. "Quinn? Why are you here?" He asks me. "Me? This place is 2 blocks from my house. What are you doing here?" I retort. "Part of the stream lies in my backyard. How do you think I got to your house the night I knocked you up?" Puck tells me.

I go over and sit next to him. "So, why are you here?" I casually ask him. "It's Lauren. She's being really annoying. You know, about the whole Prom Queen thing." Puck says, picking up a rock and throwing it in the stream. "Ugh, please stop about this whole Queen thing, that's why I came here, to get away from it all." I grunt, chucking a rock at the trees next to me. "Sorry, Damn if I didn't know better I'd say you were still pregnant and those are hormones" Puck tells me.

"I think I'm gonna go, I wanted to find peace but obviously, I went to the wrong place" I snap, and before Puck could answer I storm away. I was angrier than ever at Puck. He knows no way around my feelings.

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