2:Unexpected encounters

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"Emma, hurry up or you will be late!" Mrs Asher yells from first floor and headed to the kitchen joining her husband having a breakfast. Today Mrs Asher seems to be in a good mood as she prepared toast and scramble egg and a glass of orange juice as their breakfast menu. Usually the only option that Emma and her father have to survive that morning was a store bought cereal. Emma's mom worked as a kindergarten teacher that requires her to left early every morning because of the distance of the school that was miles away from their house.

Emma donned in her black skinny jeans paired with black hoodie sweeter. She combed her black shiny hair and turned it into a neat bun. She dabbed a bit of sunscreen followed with a bit of moisturizer. She take a look at a mirror and swipe a bit of lip balm on her lips. She takes her backpack that she already filled with books and notebook last night and running lightly downstairs before her mom yells again.

"Black again. Don't you have any other colour?" Mrs Asher says as soon she saw her daughter.

"Black is a colour mom." Emma sits joins her family for breakfast.

"Good morning, honey." Mr Asher says to her daughter sweetly. Emma smiles at her dad in returned.

"I hope you dressed more like the other girls out there. Pink would look good on you" Mrs Asher about to start her lecture about dress-properly-because-you-are-a-girl. Emma eats quickly as she can and gives her dad a sign to help her.

"Do you need a ride?" Her dad offers her.

Finnally. "I'm very pleased, sir. And thank you mom for this delicious breakfast ever" She rose from her chair and gives her mom a kiss in a cheek and running away from this situation like she always do.

Mr Asher worked as a prosecutor in this town. He works till late night when the special case coming hits this town. He is a quiet person yet stern when it's needed. As a middle age citizen, he had a sturdy, muscular physique. Emma is very much likely to her father. She very calm and quiet compared to her mom who is very bright and delightful person. Maybe that why she chooses her career as a kindergarten teacher.

As soon as Mr Asher dropped Emma in front of the school before saying goodbye, she walks to her locker to take her text books.


"Wow, look at you. I aspire to be like you." Mia says as soon she see my appearance. Both Adam and Mia waited at my locker.

I gave her the not-understand look.

"Black jeans, guy's shirt and black converse. You literally dressed like a grim reaper." She chuckle at my choice of dressing.

Here's another one who exactly like my mom. I shake my head and continue doing my business.I notice that most of the teenager among our age more insecure of what people will say about you if you're not in their expectations. I found it vital because how their words can easily affected others. There is no beauty standard because everyone's vary. So they don't have to worry too much about what people thinking about you. Especially for people who differ from me who is doesn't give a damn about what people think of me.

"Here take my heart and soul." Adam joke around and pretend to be dead and offering me his heart in his palm.

I chuckle at his bad acting and hit his arm using my books.
"Ouch, that's hurt". Adam exclaim while rubbing his arm.
I and Mia both chuckled.

After a quick chit chat, Mia and I headed to our class and same goes to Adam. Madam Loui surprising us with a Physic pop quiz and makes all of my classmate frown including me. If you ask me what my least favourite subject was, it will be Physic. Noticing me that I was 'performing very well' as I was the only one left after a half hour quiz, she asked me to bring the paper to her room.

I knock the door that the front of it stated the name Mrs Loui Mckauly.

"Come in."

She was marking the previous test as soon as I put the paper on the table, and that was mine. And she doesn't look pleasant marking it. Once she gave me the unbelieving look. And I standing there and preparing myself for another extra lecture. She gave me a really inspiring lecture and some motivation to pursue my studies and acknowledge me. She really is one of a kind. She cares about all of her student equally. While some of the teachers nowadays just take this lightly because their job is solely teaching the subjects given. After thanking her for the advice and I about to walk out, she suddenly ask me to take the marker that she left on the previous class. I obediently nod and walk out her room.

I slowly walk to the class while remembering the advice that Madam gave earlier. I really should put my effort even though I don't like that subject.

I slowly walk to the class and stop after heard noises came out from the class.

"No why should we break up? I love you please."

"But I never was. And we never in that kind of relationship anyways."

My thoughts stop as I heard voices coming from the class. I carefully open the door and see two love bird having a quarrel. They stopped argue and look at me as they heard me entering the class. One blonde girl wearing a burgundy long sleeve fitted shirt paired with black jeans glare at me because I interrupting their 'love dovey' conversation. In front of her is a boy with simple grey hooded sweatshirt paired with black jeans and he neither expecting my existence there. I step quickly to the table in the left corner of the class and found the marker and awkwardly shows it to them. 

She seems to understood my existent there and continued with her thing with the boy.

"Then who do you love then?" She desperately asking him.

I don't want to interrupt their love drama so I step quickly to the door to escape from this terrible situation.

"Her." He says and pointing at me.

I frozed with my hand on the door knob looking at them dumbfounded. That guy walking to me and snatch my hand and escape from the classroom without thinking the chaos he just make. He make me walk away with his problem and making its my problem too. I forcefully letting go my hand from his big hand.

 "What the heck?". I says while rubbing my wrist where he grabbed firmly. He just look at me with a blank emotion.

"If you have a problem with your girlfriend, solve it yourself and don't disturb me."

"So you heard us." He says.

Is he an idiot or what? Of course I was. "Obviously." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay." He says looking at me and left me there hanging at the corridor.That was the weird encounter I've ever faced my whole life.

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