Chapter 12

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Talia went inside and gave Juniper some food and water then went up to her room. She fell into her chair at the desk. Not only did Craig Rogers have the painting now, but Nicolai was suspicious and she wouldn't be getting any more calzones.

She really didn't want to think about it but physically, Nicolai fit the profile of the thief. His height, his size, the fact that he wore glasses, his reflexes and silent footsteps all fit the thief's profile and the fact that he was at the museum and Craig Rogers 'mistaking' his identity. But Nicolai couldn't be the thief. He was just so... so cute. She couldn't see him being a thief.

Of course, cuteness didn't mean much and as a detective she shouldn't rule out any suspects just because they were cute. She grudgingly added Nicolai's name to her suspect list.

Talia opened up her computer.

Ted Lawson: Please tell me you have something.

Jigsaw: Hey. I'm working as fast as I can here but there's a lot of stuff to sort through and I have other jobs.

Ted Lawson: Forget the thief for now. Craig Rogers already has the painting.

Jigsaw: That's great news. You know where it is. I can hook you up with someone who can retrieve it.

Ted Lawson: Tempting.

Jigsaw: It should be. This entire case could be over in hours.

Talia thought about that for a moment.

Ted Lawson: Give me the name and number. I'll think about it.

Jigsaw: No name or number. No real name at least. Just an email. He's expensive and refuses most of the jobs he gets but he's good and it couldn't hurt to try. He goes by the name Cypher online.

Ted Lawson: I've heard of him before. I didn't know he was in this area now. Wasn't his last job in France?

Jigsaw: The last job we know of.

Ted Lawson: I can hear you fangirling from here.

Jigsaw: Thieves are hot.

Ted Lawson: They're criminals.

Jigsaw: Bad boys. Misunderstood loners.

Ted Lawson: Psychopaths.

Jigsaw: Rule breakers.

Ted Lawson: Law breakers.

Jigsaw: Not much different that you or me.

Ted Lawson: We do this to catch criminals. Not for ourselves.

Jigsaw: So we're just going to ignore the little thing known as profit in our bank accounts.

Ted Lawson: ... You're point?

Jigsaw: Anyway, he's here now and he has the skills. I'm going to send you his email.

Jigsaw sent her the email. Talia stared at it for a while. She was a detective. Should she hire a thief? But she was also Phillip's friend and she didn't want him and his mother to lose the company. He was even doing extra classes in business and health to expand the company once he graduated and his grandpa had a habit of giving her anything she wanted. She couldn't let his legacy be stolen from him.

Ted Lawson: Send me some stuff. I'll help you sort through them.

Jigsaw: Not going to hire him?

Ted Lawson: I'm leaving him as a last resort. We still have a chance of pinning something else on Craig Rogers.

Jigsaw: I'll send you some emails. Videos would take too long to send.

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