Christmas and surprise!

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*4 Days Later*

*Milly's POV*

It is currently the 23rd of December and early hours or 24th in California but I'm still suck in England and for the past four days I spent it in bed constantly throwing up.

I woke up with a headache, I rolled over to see that the time was 11am and Ross had texted me,

From:My Baby Boy<3

Feeling any better baby?:) xxxxxx

To:My Baby Boy<3

Nope, if anything I feel worse:(xxxxx

From:My Baby Boy<3

Baby please go to the doctor's for me? xxxxxxxx

I rang up the doctors and booked an appointment in 30 minutes time.

To:My Baby Boy<3

I have an appointment in 30 ill text you after xxxxxx

From:My Baby Boy<3

Okay baby I miss you loads xxxxxxx

To:My Baby Boy<3

Me too love you xxxxxxx

From:My Baby Boy<3

Love you too xxxxxxxxxx

I rolled out of bed and went an put on leggings and Ross's yellow hoodie that he packed for me that smelt of him and my yellow converse. I put my hair up in a high pony tail grabbed my phone and walked to the doctors.

When I arrived their I signed in,

"Milly Perch here for my appointment in 2 minutes exactly" I said and she nodded and pointed to a waiting room where I went and sat and waited until I was called I which wasn't long.

"Milly Perch please" the doctor said. I stood up and followed her into her room and sat down.

Me Doctor

"So Miss Perch what's the problem"

"Well for the past 5 or 6 days I've been throwing up constantly"

"Hmm has their been any change in your appetite?"

"Now that you say it their has been massively I've been eating twice as I normally do"

"And when was your last period?"

"About 8 weeks ago"

"Okay I think you might be pregnant so can you go pee on this and bring it back please" she asked and handed me a stick I took it and and I went to the toilet and peed on it and room it back to the room and handed it to the doctor she examined it closely.

"Well it appears you are six weeks pregnant congratulations" she said I was in pure shock I couldn't reply, I felt mixed emotions I felt happy that I might be a mom but said that it happened so young, Ross is going to be over the moon but I don't know if I can do this.

"Thank you is their any tablets that I can take for the time being while I make my decision that won't hurt the baby?" I questioned.

She typed on the computer and handed me a piece of paper.

"Yeah here you go take twice a day one in the morning and one at night" he said I took it and left thinking about it.

How Ross would be so happy,

How we would have a little one of us running around,

How he would be a good dad,

How I would be a mom to someone,

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