Chapter Seventeen

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"God I hate it when the cold weather comes around

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"God I hate it when the cold weather comes around." Sirius grumbled as he James, Remus, Peter and Nadia made their way to the Hogwarts Gamekeeper's hut on the edge of the school grounds. Their feet trudged through the thin layer of snow which had fallen in the past night.

The three boys had chosen to accompany Nadia to her detention after dinner. Once she came back to the Gryffindor tower last night and told them the story of why she had been taken to speak with Dumbledore, the four boys were livid. Even though both Lily and Nadia thoroughly protested any suggestion of retaliation, the four of them were already planning a massive prank to take their revenge. But for now, they had to take the girl to her detention because they were well aware she would probably get lost on her own. And they didn't mind. With all of their detentions that they've had, the ones with Hagrid were always the most fun.

"Padfoot, you grumble every winter. 'Why couldn't I have been born somewhere where it's always sunny and warm? There needs to be a spell to change winter into summer!'" James spoke as he teased and imitated Sirius' voice, quite miserably. His impersonation managed to evoke laughter from Remus, Nadia and Peter.

"Now is the winter of our discontent." Nadia spoke in a wise voice making all of the boys look at her in amusement. By now they already know how to recognize when Nadia was using her own words and when she was reciting a quote even if they had never heard it before.

"Nadia you should've seen him last year. He spent his whole birthday grumbling about the snow." Remus commented with a laugh making Nadia look at Sirius with an amused smile on her face.

"When's your birthday?" She asked curiously, if it was snowing on his birthday last year that would have to mean it was coming up soon.

"November 3rd." Sirius replied and watched as Nadia's eyes widened in surprise before she smacked his arm making him yelp in shock. "What was that for?" He asked over the laughter of his three best friends as he looked down at her walking beside him. However she did not reply, and instead turned to each of the boys and did the same.

"That is this Friday! That is in four days! You gits could have told me!" She exclaimed at all of them, making them give her surprised looks as they rubbed their arms. For someone so small she could hit really hard.

"Well we're telling you now?" Peter said with a small whine and a frown on his face.

"And of course you're invited to the party that night in the Common Room." Sirius said with a large smile, hoping it would hold back Nadia from hitting them again, which she looked ready to do. "Of course if you swear not to rat us out to Minnie." He added on with a smirk making Nadia raise her eyebrow at him.

"You know she defended me last night saying how I'm a good student that follows the rules, and now you're asking me to break them twenty four hours later." She admired the irony in the statement.

"She never defends us!" James exclaimed as if he were offended by the revelation making all eyes turn to him as they walked.

In Nadia's case it was a bad idea to take her eyes off of the path in front of her because before she knew it her foot had managed to slip on some of the ice and she let out a small yelp as she felt herself starting to fall to the ground. Sirius from his spot beside her, managed to grab on to one of her arms and her waist just in time, his quick reflexes coming in handy as he prevented her from face planting into the snow. However, they could not stop the loud laughter that erupted from the Marauders.

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