Chapter Eleven: Oh Memories, Where'd You Go?

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Chapter 11

Chris and I get into the car, Chris driving as I slipped into the passenger seat. We slowly start to drive to Mitch's house. I could already hear the sirens wailing from about three blocks away. I started to hold back tears.

"Mat?" Chris asks, looking over at me slightly. "You okay?" she whispers. I shake my head no, letting some tears slip out of my eyes. My best friend is getting arrested.

"No, I'm not," I whisper as we round the corner. I see Mitch, handcuffed and walking out of his house. He stares directly at me, evil glinting in his eyes. 

"YOU!" I could hear him yell through the walls of the car.

"Go." I say to Chris, but she's too distracted by Mitch trying to break free. I shake her out of her trance. "GO!" I scream. Chris nods quickly and starts the car up again, speeding away.

"I WILL KILL YOU MAT!"  I hear Mitch scream. I slap my hand over my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut, holding back tears. Chris places one hand on my back and rubs circles inbetween my shoulders.

"He had no right to say that to you," she says as we pull into our driveway. I nod slowly.

"Why did he have to do that!" he scream, slamming my fist onto the window. Chris winces.

"He's mentally messed up, Mat. When you tried to kill yourself, he went into depression pretty deep. He went back into self harm and tried to kill himself twice. It was only a month ago that he raped Reegs. Only a month," she says. I wipe my tears away with the back of my hand.

"A-a month?" I stutter. She nods.

"Reegan told me first," she whispers. "She was so scared. So afraid of what you would say when you woke up." Tears slipped down her face.

"Mat, don't try and leave us anymore. Please don't," she cries, throwing her arms around my neck. She starts to sob into my shoulder. I kept telling myself not to cry, to stay strong for my sister.

But that didn't happen. I broke down and hugged my little sister back tightly.

"Chris, I'll never leave you again, I promise," I cries into her hair. She sniffs before letting me go.

"You better keep that promise to me. To your kid," she says, running her hand through my hair. I nod. Man, I love my sister. We both exit the car and walk into the house, looking at Reegan as she sits on the couch with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hi Dad, Chris," she says, flipping channels. Chris goes and sits next to her, wrapping her arm around Reegan's shoulders. 

"Did I tell you, Reegan?" Chris says. Reegan looks at her.

"Tell me what?" she asks as I sit in the recliner.

"Graham is coming to see you. Adam and Alesa are coming too," Chris says. I smile slightly. No one knows I woke up except for Reegan, Chris, and Mitch. We probably should tell Jerome soon. We don't know what he could be doing.

"Get Jerome a ticket too," I say. Chris looks at me surprised.

"Why?" she asks.

"He needs to know I'm alive. And he's going to live here until he gets better," I state. Reegan smiles.

"O-okay," Chris says, getting up from her spot on the couch and walking to her room to purchase Jerome's ticket. I get up and go sit my daughter, wrapping my arms around her.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry I tried leaving," I whisper. She looks up at me.

"Dad, stop apologizing. I forgive you, truly," she says, giving me a sympathetic smile. I smile slightly back and cuddle my daughter, Iike I used to when she was little. She doesn't complain, letting her body grow relaxed.

"I love you, Dad," she says sleepily. A tear slips down my face.

"I love you too," I whisper. And we fall asleep this way.


I wake up to find my daughter gone from my arms. The blanket she had around her was now draped across my body. I get up slowly and walk to the kitchen, watching my sister and daughter make breakfast.

"No, Reegan, like this," Chris says, flipping a pancake. Reegan tries, but fails as it falls onto the floor. The girls laugh loudly at her mistake.

"Good morning," I say. They spin around, staring at me.

"Mat, didn't see you there," Chris says. I laugh slightly.

"I know. That's the whole purpose," I say. The doorbell rings and Reegan says that she'll get it. She walks over to the door and opens it, revealing Graham, Adam, and a very pregnant Alesa. 

"Graham!" Reegan yells, jumping on him. Graham laughs and spins her around. Graham looks a lot like Sam did when she was alive. The same grey eyes and brown hair. He was pretty handsome. 

Adam stares into the kitchen and directly at me.

"Mat?" he asks, stepping past his son. He walks over to me and puts his hands on my face.

"Oh my God," Alesa whispers behind him. Adam starts to cry as he hugs me tightly. I hug him back, tears falling down my face.

"I thought you were gone for good," Adam says. I laugh through my tears.

"I'm here," I whisper. I let go of Adam and hug Alesa, which was a little awkward considering she is pregnant. 

"It's great to have you back, Mat," she whisper, kissing my shoulder. 

"Thank you, for taking care of Graham," I say, letting go of her. She smiles as Adam walks back towards her. 

"Where's Chris?" Alesa asks. I point towards the kitchen and Alesa walks in there, hugging my sister. 

"I have to tell you something, Mat," Adam says, pulling me aside. I nod slowly.

"Is it true?" he asks. I cock an eyebrow.

"About Mitch," he finishes. I look away.

"Yeah. Yeah it is," I whisper. His mouths falls agape as he looks around the room.

"Does Graham know?" he whispers to me. I shake my head.

"I don't believe so," I whisper. Adam shakes his head.

"Reegan has to tell him. Did she get pregnant?" he whispers. My eyes well with tears.

"Yes. Yes she did," I start to cry. Adam hugs me slightly before looking towards his son and my daughter. 

"She needs to tell him soon," Adam whispers. I nod as we walk back to our group. The door rings again, and I volunteer to get it this time. I open the door to reveal Jerome.

"Hey Chri-" He stares at me.

"Mat." He pokes my arm. His mouth falls open. 

"Hey, biggums," I say quietly, holding out my arms. He hugs me tightly.

"I thought I lost you. I thought you died. Oh my God..." he says into my shoulder. I start to cry with him.

I missed him.

Don't Leave Him (Sequel to Don't Leave Me)  (Watty Awards 2014)Where stories live. Discover now