Chapter Sixteen: There Is No Life After You

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Chapter 16

Everyone sits in silence until the doctor enters the room.

"Are you all relatives?" he asks. Everyone says yes as he writes something down on his clipboard. 

"Alright, sounds good. Mr. Nooch, your daughter is out of labor and her son is healthy and well. She will be bringing him in in a matter of a few hours," he says. I smile and thank him before he exits the room. Jerome starts crying.

"Oh my God, only a few more hours with you Mat!" he cries. I take his hand and kiss it. 

"Don't forget me, ever," I whisper. He looks at me.

"How could I forget you?" he asks. I laugh softly.

"Very true."


A few hours later, Reegan enters the room carrying a blue blanket. 

"Daddy," she whispers. Sadie, Rob, and Adam move aside so she could get to my side. She places her son carefully into my arms.

"Now Jerome," I whisper. Jerome nods before putting his hand on the switch to turn off my life support. He hesitates.

"I-I can't," he says, looking at me with tears in his eyes. Reegan places her hand over her step-fathers, placing her other hand in mine.

"Together," she whispers. Lauren looks away, as well as Dusk, Alesa, Rebecca, and Sadie. Jason looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"Goodbye," he whispers. Jerome and Reegan flip the switch off. I slowly felt my body shutting down.

"Mathew, my sweet grandson. Take care of your mommy," I whisper to the sleeping child in my arms. "Protect grandpa Jerome, and watch all of your uncles and aunties. Grandpa will miss you so much. But he will see grandma Sadie soon." Reegan starts crying as I kiss the little babies head. She takes him and hands him to Jerome, who gets out of the chair with the baby.

Reegan sits next to me and takes my hand.

"Daddy, I love you," she whispers. I trace the scar on her cheeks.

"I love you too, beautiful," I say with a small smile. I close my eyes as I felt my body get heavier. I heard the beeping of my heart monitor flatline as a white light shows in my eyes.

"Hello, my love," a soft voice says to me. I look around and find Sadie. 

"Sadie!" I call, running over to her and embracing her into a hug.

She takes my hand.

"I've been waiting too long for you, Mathew Nooch," she says with a smile. I smile back before kissing her lips.

"I have been too," I reply. 

She smiles before we walk into the bright white light ahead of us.

{The End}

Don't Leave Him (Sequel to Don't Leave Me)  (Watty Awards 2014)Where stories live. Discover now