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Gomenasai minna!!

At first I thought that this story is good enough. But then after I re-watched Magic Kaito there's just too much miss, and I really can't continue the story. 

at least I don't leave it hanging and give it a proper ending XD

Even so, I don't think that these chapters are satisfying. (I don't say that it's not good though ;p) Therefore I decided to just put it as a short story instead.  

But don't you worry! I'm cooking the words and planning a greater plot twist instead! (still praying that it'll come out as great as I think it will X"D)

The story will be entitled "Together is Better..." and I'll publish it soon... so look up for it~! 😉  

Well, that is all from me...

Jaa nee~!  

❤️ Royal-chan

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