chapter one - Chara

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Sans had awoken to the smell of spaghetti. He pulled the covers off of his form, dragging his feet to his bedroom door. Before opening it, Sans rested his head upon the door, letting out a deep sigh. He wasn't fully awake. After a small groan, he opens his door and steps out.

Upon walking to the stairs, he took one step forward, leaning over, and fell down. The thuds caught the attention of the taller boy in the kitchen. "Sans?!" Papyrus called, walking over to see his brother lying against the wall upside down. The shorter of the two hadn't heard his name being called, for he was lost in thought.

That dream felt so real... Sans thought to himself, shutting his eyes tightly.

He really thought he saw Toriel in the hospital bed, brink of death. She was covered in bandages, one over her head and covering her left eye, on both of her arms.. Asgore, Frisk, and Undyne were right beside her. He could have sworn he saw Frisk gripping her hand tightly, tears filling her eyes as she would apologize for Chara, taking the blame for everything.

He remembered seeing Papyrus lying down, barely conscious in his hospital bed, his breathing slow and ragged. Sans swore he was on the verge of tears, storming out of his room to instantly go and find his brother's attacker.

Sans could have sworn he was heartbroken, seeing Chara attack him and nearly kill him so many times, him killing her so many times.

The kiss. He absolutely thought that was real. It felt so real. But he knows for a fact that what he's feeling is just a small crush. After having his heart broken by Toriel after confessing his feelings towards her and she rejecting him, he wasn't himself. He needed something to fill the empty hole in his heart. And boy, did he find it.

Sans always hung around by himself in his classes, never really looking around to speak to people, only paying attention to his professors. That day was an accident. He didn't mean to look around. His eyes were only supposed to be on his seat when he walked in. He didn't intend to look in that direction - he didn't mean to look at her.

Chara. She was quiet. Hardly talked to anyone herself. Sans only knew her because of Frisk. Frisk introduced Sans to her sister a couple days after she revived her. Let's just say their meeting wasn't as happy and kind as Frisk wished it to be. Sans only gave her stares, Chara did the same back to him. They never spoke. They never liked each other.

Until now.

Sans let out a sigh, opening his eyes. His blue orbs looked to his brother's direction, seeing the worry written on his face. "Sans- are you alright?!" Papyrus calls, helping his brother. After turning him the right way, sitting him on the floor, Sans looked to his brother again and gave him his famous grin.

"Mornin' bro." Sans says, winking his right eye. Papyrus let out a soft sigh, sitting down in front of him. "Makin' spaghetti again, I see."

Papyrus nods in reply, placing his hand on his chest and shutting his eyes. He smiles, "Ah yes, your favorite dish by the great Papyrus!"

Sans laughed, leaning back and using his arms as support. "Hah, whatever you say, Pap." Sans looked past his brother to the window behind them, seeing the building across from their home. Grillby's. His favorite restaurant. He saw a familiar girl walk in just a second after. Sans looked to his brother, seeing him continue to talk about how great he was, and how great his spaghetti will be this time - Sans accidentally tuned him out. He stood up with a grunt, Papyrus stopping his talking to look at him.


The shorter one walked up the stairs and back to his room, returning a couple seconds later with his blue hoodie on his form. While coming down the stairs, Sans pulled up his hood, then stuffed his hands in his pockets. Papyrus looked at him, his brown orbs looking into Sans' blue ones. Sans only looked back, his grin widening.

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