Love Hotel

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Eren's POV:

"So whats going on?" I ask gripping my seatbelt sniffing the air, cigars, I hated it.
"Were going to try and see what  Erwin is buying from these small gang groups." He handed me some papers.

Looking through the papers I skim through them reading about Erwin and things about him of what he has done in the past and as I did a photo fell onto my lap. Picking it up I see levi with a women in his arms both smiling which was very rare to me I havent seen him smile at all yet, "Pretty..." I whisper seeing the women and I was about to tell Levi who she was but he quickly took the photo and shoved it into his pocket.

"Shut up... Don't ever look at my things again, got it" He said parking the car by a shabby hotel. " Its your fault for having it here..." I talk back to him and cross my arms leaning backing pouting,"What happened to that good, mannered boy act? " he said. "..I'm only good when people are good back. So what are we doing here?"

"...Waiting...behind this hotel is another building a huge one a abandoned industry. I believe they will be coming here." He got out the car as I did as well noticing it started to rain. Walking inside behind him the walls were pink. Hearts around the halls that's when I was surpised this was a love hotel.

"Wow, Hello boys need a room?" A women sitting by the counter, short blond hair. "Give me a room with a window facing the building behind this hotel." The lady stared at him and tossed him the keys. "Have fun kids." She smiled going back to reading her!...BL BOOKS?!?

"Oh..lord" I kept my hands over my blushing face hearing her chuckle soflty, this is embarassing. "Hurry the fuck up." Levi was already going up the stairs, "Yeah what ever" As he found the room we entered and my eyes widen some more. "Uh... Levi can't we stay in the car?" The bed was huge in a heart shape there was lube by a nightstand and a box with a sign saying 'toys.' Like hell I'll touch those ew.

"What? You stupid kid ? We have to keep an eye on that building." Levi grabbed a chair and brought it to the window and sits. "You can sleep the time away I'll keep watch." Levi pulled out some binoculars from his bag and looked out while I removed my sweater and sat on the bed."Okay..." Looking over through the papers I read some of his coments on the documents.

Erwin tall, blond and the word revenge next to his name. Confused I take the paper and walk up to him. "Hey Levi...Can I ask whats this all about?" He grabbed the paper and sighed. "Personal information get your ass back on the bed." Dodging the question I stomp of and lay down on my side facing away from him. "I was just asking..."

((Yeah yeah Levi is being a meany.))

My new bratty partner  (Levi x Eren, Erwin x Levi) Where stories live. Discover now