Ok this story is dedicated to TimelingIsHere & VegaZillah since majority rules.
Ok so on the actual story.
Previously on Buaireadair:
"I don't want you to spank my wet bum daddy it'll hurt." whines Fred
"I know maybe this will remind you that I'm the daddy and I take care of you not the other way around." I say firmly "Now bend over the tub." I spank they're bottoms ten times before. Comforting them and reading them Goldilocks and the Three Bears before heading downstairs just in time to see a certain someone come out of my floo in yellow flames.
Harry's POV
To my surprise as I sit on the living room couch I see Percy some out of floo which had yellow flames instead of its normal color.
"Percy what are you doing here? Are you okay ?" I ask concernedly as I take in his appearance a gash on his left temple all the way down to his eyelid. His sticky blood matted hair, ripped clothing and broken shackles attached to his hands and bare feet. I have to take care of this while keeping everything quiet Fred & George would go ballistic seeing their brother in this state. After forcing him to shower and tending too his wounds he sits on the couch on the opposite side of me as he begins to speak "H-he has her Ry Ry he took the only thing I have left my p-pr-precious baby from me!" He exclaimed as I reach over and pulled him into a tight embrace he whispers "Please help me get her back." Before promptly passing out leaving me and my racing thoughts alone.
D̨ųm̨b̨l̨ęd̨ǫr̨ę'̨s̨ P̨ǪV̨
"̨ Į c̨ąn̨'̨t̨ b̨ęąl̨įv̨ę h̨ę w̨ąs̨ ąb̨l̨ę t̨ǫ ęs̨c̨ąp̨ę m̨y̨ b̨ǫn̨d̨s̨.̨ B̨ųt̨ Į s̨t̨įl̨l̨ h̨ąv̨ę t̨h̨ę l̨įt̨t̨l̨ę b̨r̨ąt̨ h̨ęr̨ę s̨ǫ ąt̨ l̨ęąs̨t̨ į'̨l̨l̨ k̨n̨ǫw̨ h̨ę w̨įl̨l̨ b̨ę b̨ąc̨k̨.̨ Ąn̨d̨ w̨h̨ęn̨ h̨ę d̨ǫęs̨ c̨ǫm̨ę į'̨l̨l̨ b̨ę r̨ęąd̨y̨ f̨ǫr̨ h̨įm̨.̨ Į r̨ęąc̨h̨ įn̨t̨ǫ m̨y̨ c̨ąn̨d̨y̨ b̨ǫw̨l̨ ąb̨d̨ g̨ęt̨ ą l̨ęm̨ǫn̨ d̨r̨ǫp̨ s̨ųc̨k̨l̨įn̨g̨ ǫn̨ įt̨ į w̨r̨įt̨ę ą l̨ęt̨t̨ęr̨ t̨ǫ Ąr̨t̨h̨ųr̨.̨ T̨y̨įn̨g̨ t̨h̨ę ęn̨v̨l̨ǫp̨ę t̨ǫ ą c̨ǫm̨m̨ǫn̨ H̨ǫg̨w̨ąr̨t̨s̨ ǫw̨l̨ s̨įn̨c̨ę F̨ąw̨k̨s̨ h̨ąs̨ r̨ęf̨ųs̨ęd̨ t̨ǫ s̨ęr̨v̨ę m̨ę ąn̨y̨l̨ǫn̨g̨ęr̨.̨ Į f̨ęęl̨ c̨ǫn̨t̨ęn̨t̨ m̨y̨ p̨l̨ąn̨ įs̨ f̨ąl̨l̨įn̨g̨ r̨įg̨h̨t̨ įn̨t̨ǫ p̨l̨ąc̨ę s̨ǫ f̨ąr̨.̨
I guess that's not so bad considering I just started writing again. Let me know what you think : ideas, guesses on what will happen next. And your input. Well I guess this is all for now I'll see you in the next chapter 🔜.
FanfictionFred and George get turned into Littles by Dumbledore. After they fail to convince Harry to join the "light side". Shortly after being turned they head home were they get thrown out by the family for being a "disgrace". With no were else to go they...