Chapter 5

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Author's note: So I'm currently avoiding doing my ISPs so I decided to write another chapter. I know it's short but I don't have too much time. Next chapter will be up by wednesday or thursday. I swear it's just for the next too weeks that my update schedule will be really off. Afterwards, I'll try my hardest to upsdate every 2-4 days. I hope you all had a lovely weekend :) Enjoy!

Chapter 5

               After spending a certain amount of time with someone, you start to notice the little things about them. Like how Roger hates mushrooms. Or how my sister, Ruby, can’t sleep if it’s too quiet, so she leaves the bathroom fan on at night. Or how Angela licks her lips when she’s nervous. Every person has a list of kinks that we gradually learn about them as we get to know them. My kink, was that I hate packing.

               Seemingly an easy task, packing always seems to be harder for me than others. Maybe it’s because I think too much.  I constantly find myself considering every possible thing that can go wrong, which leads to my propensity of over packing. Angela had said we could stay at her cottage as long as we liked and we could head back home whenever we pleased. This made me mad. Not only was I having trouble separating the necessities from my paranoia, but now I didn’t have a time frame for how long I was supposed to pack for either.

               I guess sitting on my bed with piles of unidentified I-Don’t-Know-What’s lying all over my floor said something about me. Roger never had a problem packing, he knew his priorities. I, on the other hand, had been staring at my duffle bag for 3 hours and the only things inside it were my bathing suit and some change. I really hate packing.

               Angela and her friends headed up to her cottage last night. Since Mike had to work yesterday, Roger and decided to wait until tomorrow morning to head up there. It was now 9 am and I hadn’t even started packing yet. We were supposed to leave at 11.

               As I shoved random objects, articles of clothing and sanitary products in and out of my bag for an hour, I started to give up. This was too stressful. What was the point of going anyways? Why did I even agree to this in the first place? Everyone would have a lot more fun without me. I’d just bring them down. All I did lately was think about Tyce, anyways. No matter how hard I tried, there was nothing that could get him out of my head.

               As these thoughts ran through my head, I suddenly realized someone had been watching me. I abruptly turned my head around to see Mike standing in the doorway with a look of concern on his face. I didn’t realize how bad this looked until I realized there were tears streaming down my face. Ever since I was a kid, I would always cry when I got frustrated. Or even when someone yelled at me. It was just a result of some anxiety issues I developed as a kid. But it sure was hella embarrassing.

For a while, Mike and I just stared at each other. He was the one that finally broke the silence.

               “Need some help?”

               That was the thing I liked about Mike. He was never one to dwell on the problem. He was always looking for the solution. He was a man of action. And maybe, just maybe, one day that would bite him in the ass, but when it came to our friendship, it worked, because I can never stop dwelling on the problem.

               “Yes, please.” I said with a ting of embarrassment in my voice. He probably thought I was an idiot, crying over a suitcase.

               His smile returned to his face and he lifted himself from the doorway and made his way towards me. “Let’s get this placed organized to begin with. Put all your clothes in a pile and separate them from everything else. I’ll make a list of what you’ll need and once you got everything on the list, you can start packing the rest of the things you want. Sound good?”

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