Three - Notes

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I have a pen and a jotter with me wherever I go - no matter where. It's in my bag and I owe no man explanations so you shouldn't feel embarrassed to do the same! Ideas will come and if you are like me, they might have disappeared by the time you get to where a pen and paper is.
While you research, take down cogent points. No matter how smart you are, the information might be to large for you to remember when you need it.

Notes on "Gender Inequality As The Major Reasons For Divorce In The World Today.
1. Definition of cogent words in the topic
2. Google states - % of divorce in the world.
3. Interview with Counsellor Martins:

Taking notes doesn't make you any less smarter than you are, rather, it helps you to expatiate more on each point without stress. It gets rid of repetition, confusion and unnecessary and irrelevant prose.

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