Chapter Two

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As I started packing I stuck my iPhone on the dock and turned on my Pandora to my Sublime radio. After a couple songs, Lay Me Down came on by The Dirty Heads - My absolute favorite song! I started to sing along and bounce around my room folding clothes and setting them in my suitcase. 

Once I was finished I continued singing into the bathroom across the hall,  gathering my toiletries. I plopped my makeup and hairbrush in one bag, with my shampoo and conditioner in another. 

"Well you're my green-eyed girl and I've been running round with you! It's the afternoon and we've got nothing else to do...."  I bounced around tossing my bags into the suitcase.

"So wipe the dirt off! Or take your shirt off!"" I turned around quickly and bumped into my "little" brother. 

"Well I don't mind if I do!" Without saying anything else he whipped his shirt of and swung it around like a stripper and slapped it to my face. He just started laughing and jumped onto my bed next to my suit case. 

I yanked the shirt off my face mumbling something about adolescent puberty sweat and dropping it on the floor. Rolling my eyes I walked over to him putting my hands on my hips, raising one eyebrow keeping my eyes cold and face set like stone. 

"What sis? I just wanted to say goodbye before you leave me to run off with your mate..." He puckered out his bottom lip and widened his eyes.

Great, the puppy dog eyes. You'd think since he was only a year younger than me I could blow him off and just tell him to scram. But I couldn't! My little brother was just too adorable-Honestly, I think he gets it from his big sister. I zipped up my case setting it on the ground, and sat with my brother on the bed. 

"Yeah yeah...What do you want Zack?" I knew what he was up to, he's always up to something. 

"Nothing! Can't I just want to spend time with my beautiful sister before she leaves?" He sits up on his elbows so he could look at me.

"No, no you can't. You know why? Because I know you! So spit it out kid." I grabbed one of my many pillows and smacked him with it. He sat up quickly and fixed his blonde locks and glared at me.

"Okay okay...I want to come with you tomorrow..." He looked at me sheepishly and started playing with the edge of his shirt twisting the hem, rolling it around his finger.

I don't even want to go tomorrow... I thought to myself narrowing my eyes at him Why does this brat want to come?

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Hmm...And why exactly is that?" I asked him with both caution,  and curiosity. He shifted awkwardly and shrugged his shoulders, looking away he bit his lip and scrunched up his cheecks towards his eyebrows. Finally he sighed and mumbled something so fast I couldn't catch it, not even with my sensitive hearing. 

"I'm sorry what? I couldn't hear you." I tried to understand once more, cupping my hand around my ear leaning closer. But in the end I just confused myself by straining my ears and trying so hard to make it out. "Okay, one more time. Slowly this time-You do know what 'slow' means right? Not the kind the school calls you, the actual pace."  I grinned and nudged him with my elbow, trying to lighten up the mood.

He dropped his jaw and raised his eyebrows, opening his eyes as wide as they could go and slapped his hand to his heart. "Ouch sis...That really hurt...." He mock cried and used my blanket to 'wipe' his nose.

"Oh get over it, you big baby and tell me why you want to tag along tomorrow!" I started bouncing on my bed with anticipation and shook him by the shoulders trying to physically pry it out of him.

"Okay okay I'll tell you!" His laughter died down in a few moments, he started to catch his breath and finally looked me in the eyes.  

"I just..I want to make sure you're okay...Dad will be in meetings the whole time, and I know you're going to want to wonder...I just want to keep you safe.." By the end of his little brotherly love confession his eyes had wandered down to his shoes that had a sudden interest to him, but I could stil see his cheeks turning a shade of pink.

A sly grin made its way to my lips, I felt honored that my brother wanted to protect me so badly. "Aren't I the older one? Shouldn't I be looking after you?" I teased him hoping it would relax him a bit, I gave him some space by getting up from my bed to grab a brush. 

"Yeah, well, I've got a mean right hook, and with these guns nobody would mess with you! You on the other hand...Well, you're pretty wimpy sis!" He stood up and started flexing like a body builder in those cheesy gym commercials.  

"Oh yeah?" I took a few steps towards him and lifted my fists in front of my face, then spread my legs apart into a fighting stance. "Bring it kid." 

He tried to fake me out, but I knew his every step. It wasn't rare for us to 'fight' like this. Plus training with this kid for my whole life definitley had some perks. He tried to hit me from the left so I grabbed his wrist on the pressure point and twisted it so it bent his arm right before the point where it would pop out of his shoulder. Then I kicked behind his knees so he knelt roughly-there would definitely be a bruise in the morning. 

"Who can't take care of themselves?" I asked with a smirk and shoved him out of my room turning back to my bed and slid under the duvet. I was completely exhausted from the whole day.

"Yeah well I'm still coming, there's nothing you can do to stop me!" He huffed from my doorway and reached to close my door. 

"Hey turn off the lights will ya?" I asked turning on my side away from the door. "Love you Zack."

"Love you too Sis" He slapped the switch to the lights and shut the door walking away. 

I slipped under the covers and replayed the day in my head. Everything from breakfast that morning to the meeting with my parents and taking down my brother just now. It all seemed relatively normal, but if I found my mate this weekend everything would change.

I know I've been wishing for this for such a long time but I just don't know if I really wanted it. But sometimes what you want, isn't what you really need. 

With anticipation overriding my brain and adrenaline coursing through my veins I began to doubt if I would be able to sleep that night. After a while though, everything seemed to wind down and my muscles relaxed into my mattress. Once I couldn't feel the stress anymore I felt the cozy blanket of sleep drape itself over me. With a flutter of my heart, I knew something was going to happen this weekend...I just didn't know what


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