Chapter 12:Dance Recital and April

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     I'm back and I have my irish dance recital tomorrow which is exciting! I've been super busy with school so that why I haven't been writing. I'm also going to be getting a new book up by April. In April I have a lot of things going on:
1. Spring break(probably going to get my book up over break)
2. Washington DC trip
3. Only 9 days of school!
So that is April! I'm also going to be having a mental health day at my school and the 8th grade is going to Eagle Creek for some outdoor activities and relaxing in nature how much fun(note the sarcasm). The mental health day is supposed to be in March so yeah! I had also found out that the 8th graders get out on my birthday so that's exciting. I want you guys to comment what things I should start including in the upcoming chapters. Like should I give a list of the things I did that day or should I like start counting down the days for important events or just give me some ideas!
                                   Love you guys,

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