Chapter 4:Coping is Hard

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It's been one day since my girlfriend broke up with me and she messaged me last night asking if I wanted to get back together. I haven't responded to that message. She must think I'm ignoring her. If she's reading this I'm not ignoring you I'm just trying to get over the fact that you broke up with me and I should probably message you back saying that I don't want to get back together. In my mind once a person breaks up with you it's over. I'm not going back to my old ways in relationships where it's on and off cause that happened with my first relationship and it was terrible. I'm getting stronger though I'm still not strong enough. I have asked some people to take care of my account for me while I'm not posting. Just gonna say that if anyone on here found this story through me posting it on and I want to thank you, my followers on, for helping me and supporting me through this rough time.
Anyway till next chapter,
Noah-Coby Matthew Shea

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