Chapter 2:I'm an 8th grader now

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Welcome back and now I'm an 8th grader. Little catch up on my life. I now have a girlfriend. She's also pansexual. I came out to my YouTube channel for being pansexual. Still haven't told my mom about being pansexual. Right now I'm currently listening to Fall Out Boy. I have recently become obsessed with FOB. I love their songs so much. I'm also going to a Pentatonix concert on August 10th. That's going to be a lot of fun. My girlfriend lives in Virginia so it's a long distance relationship. She's in Michigan right now for vacation. So we are currently 4 hours and 34 minutes away from each other. If she was in Virginia right now we would be 10 hours and 23 minutes away from each other. Apparently one of her friend's mom is hopefully going to fly me out to Virginia this summer or next summer. We have been together for almost a month now. We will be together for a month on July 11th. I also go by NoahCoby Matthew Shea sometimes now. I don't really know what else there is to say about my life currently that's basically it.
See ya guys next chapter,
NoahCoby Matthew(EmmaGrayce Shea)

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