back where I started

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Yuki pov

Slowly my eyes drifted open, my head was pounding and my legs were numb. I couldn't move. I signed deeply knowing I was foolish enough to fall into a trap that I was told about a while back, seriously how stupid could I be?

I swear to god I'm going to kill kakashi for this.


Kakashi then looked up at shikamaru and said, "mind if I steal her?" I looked at shika as if pleading him to say no.

"Sure just get her back to my place before dark I wanna say bye to her before she leaves again" shikamaru said before kissing my forehead and leaving as I glared holes into the back off his head.

I signed in annoyance before kakashi dragged me to the Raman shop where kakashi brought me miso Raman. I didn't eat it though, I just kind of pushed it around my bowl awkwardly with my chopsticks as kakashi watched me.

"So you're leaving again?" He slowly asked sounding sad.

"Um yeah..." I muttered staring at the noodles in front of me.

"Why? You've achieved your goal. Itachi is dead. So why?" He asked a bit more sterner.

"You wouldn't understand" I signed.

"You're right. I won't. But that's because you won't tell me" he shot back.

"Well I guess you'll just have to trust me then" I argued.

"Its hard to trust somebody who's never around" I said clicking his tounge in annoyance.

"You've known me my life, you know me. And you know I keep most of my promises so trust me on this" I resorted.

"You do keep your promises but not when it matters. You promised you wouldn't leave chasing vengeance and that's exactly what you did. And I have known you but I've never known the real you" he stating raising his voice.

"What a shame" I spat and stood up to leave when kakashi put in a ear piece and said.

"Yuki uchiha hatake has been found she's in the village and is leaving ichirakus Raman shop as we speak, send an ambu team. She's strong" he explained as he sent a glare my way.

"Some father you are" I yelled before I took off on the run.

Flashback over

I finally got feeling in my body and could move. I was in a playing room it was painted a creamy colour and only had a bed and toilet inside.

There was one window but it was barred and there was a black steel door which was locked. Oh this place seems fun. It's probably a 5 star hotel.

It wasn't till five minutes later that I noticed a pretty little accessory on my arm. A shackle. I would have expected it to be attached to the wall or something as a way to stop me from escaping not no, the chain fell loosely from it, the chain was only like 15 cm long and annoyingly dangled from my wrist.

What the hell is the point in the shackles if they aren't attached to anything?

That's when I realised that the chain wasn't gray like a normal chain. It was a bluish gray.... this could be bad. They suppress my chakra so I can't use ninjustu or genjutsu... well my only plan to get out of here just failed before it started. Great... this is going to be fun...


Sorry my updates are taking agessssssss to be published and the fact that at the moment they are pretty short, but y'know it's pretty hard to update when school exists and the fact that I have worn right after and then writers block is a thing, then you also have the fact that being a 14 year old means that your mom gives you chores ;-; well anyways I'm trying to update as best as I can but it's a lot easier during summer. If you're one of the like 6 people who read this book when it was first starting you'd know I had like 2-3 updated up like every week and now it's like 1-3 a month. Well anyways imma try and do better updated.

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