Level 1: 'Birthday Surprise'

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(A/N: I kinda changed the rules of what you gotta do in Lucas' party room so that you can stay alive and escape to the next phase. Hope that's okay! Xx)

This can't be happening..
But it was and you hated every fucking second that ticked on that damn clock, hidden just from sight.

Tick tock.. tick tock..

You extended your arm just enough to reach a small black key that was conveniently placed upon a counter next to the stove. Your brain was bombarded with new thoughts. They left a key..
So if your kidnapper's not trapping you here, what the hell are they doing?! You wondered if this was all some sick joke made by an even sicker human. You wondered if this was a test.

Whatever it was, you wanted out.

Your heart raced as you unlocked the shackle held around your ankle and watched as its metal arms opened and dropped to the floor.

Gulping in new breaths of stale air, you stood and considered bashing your head against the wall to end this torment..
With what's to come, maybe you should've..

A freakishly loud noise startles you from your position as you jump back against the counter, knocking some pans onto the floor in the process. Staring dead in your eyes was a mechanical monkey toy bashing two lids together - it sat upon a dusty shelf on the opposite wall.
It looked just as malicious as everything else and you prayed it wouldn't come alive.
With the state of the shelf, you wondered why it hadn't fallen yet.
Tearing your eyes away, you shake your head. There's no time for this.

Tick tock.. tick tock..

Lucas swiveled in his overly comfy desk chair and flicked a few pencils across the room as he impatiently waited for your inevitable death to happen.
Groaning, he turned his attention to another screen displayed on the many monitors he had.

He smiled, a row of sickly yellow teeth poking out from under his curled back lips as watched intently.
This one had been his favourite subject so far.

The man on the screen had regained consciousness and was yelling for help.
He was strapped to a chair - another man opposite him.
A small guillotine-like device was dangerously attached to their shaking hands and a deck of cards at the ready.

Clancy was so fun to test and Lucas let out an excited squeal as he pressed his finger down on a button - revealing his face on several old TVs in the game room.

"Hey, hey!" He whispered, there was a slight buzzing tone to his voice. "Look at me."
Clancy stared at the screens - the mans eyes seemed to burn right through him, like any moment he'd look down and expect to see holes appearing in his skin.

"There ya go! Now.. I wonda, d'you got what it takes?— see!" He leaned in close, excitement evident in his eyes. "You two 'r gon play a lil game."

The dim light from a damaged, taped up lamp illuminated his face; a manic grin spread ear to ear.


You'd tried almost everything. Screaming 'til your throat burned, kicking at the barred door, thoroughly checking that clown fucker for a key - which you almost had a third heart attack upon seeing by the way!

It appeared you needed a code.. The 5 digit code on the barred door was tired from the amount of times you'd tried to guess the password and you'd lost about all hope to go on until you guessed another piece of the puzzle.

Here, you stood at a chipped white door - you brought the lit candle to the rope and waited impatiently -nervously- for the fire to burn through.

Once it had, you let out a sigh you didn't even know you'd been holding. Ghosting your hand over the doorknob, you pondered what other horrors lie in wait.. A torture device? A million hungry, zombie like rats with forks and bibs tied neatly around their throats?
A saw hanging from the ceil—

While you'd been shaking in your boots, you'd subconsciously pushed the door open. And before you were balloons.. Everywhere..

You took overly careful steps through the small room, expecting snakes to jump out at any moment!
But you'd made it to the opposite wall without a problem.

The silence was only adding more unbearable thickness to the air and you swear you could feel invisible hands wrapping around your throat and squeezing.
It was tense, my god you could practically feel it mingling with every gulp you took.

Before you stood proudly; another door. Maybe the horrors were behind this one?

Drop-kicking your anxiousness out a window, you pushed the door open and almost tripped over your feet as you bolted to hide by the wall next to it.
Seconds turned to minutes as you breathed heavily, straining to hear something - anything! But there was nothing, not even the chirps of bugs - just crippling nothingness.

You finally peaked your head round the door frame. For the most part, the room was empty excluding a few big boxes stacked up, a white cover draped over them. A few paintings littered the walls, some on the floors and some ripped to shit.

But what caught your eye was the small table leaning against the wall to the right of you. It looked so out of place, a red and white laced sheet covered some of the surface and upon that sat a single needle.

You pieced it together almost instantly.
Running into the room, you grabbed the needle before rushing back out like you were afraid to death the door would lock behind you.
To your relief, that didn't happen and you wasted no time stabbing every damn balloon in sight.

It didn't take long til one exploded.

His Test Subject (Psycho!Lucas Baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now