Fight to the death

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It was like time itself had slowed to a halt.
You stared into the beast, and it stared back.

And then it happened.

You'd only a split second to react as it threw itself at you but your bruised and beaten body wasn't quick enough to move.
Its slimy body easily brought you to the ground.

You screamed, kicked and punched - landing a strong hit to its jaw and legs whilst your free hand grabbed at its shoulder and pushed, desperately keeping it away from your face.

The creature screeched louder but didn't seem to be too affected, if anything - it was now far more determined to kill you like that was the only true goal in its vile existence.

They say your life flashes before your eyes in that 'split second moment' but all you saw was her.
I didn't even say goodbye..

The monster slashed at your chest and stomach, claws easily digging beneath your skin as it frantically swung its legs at you.
Revolting, spewed up droplets of goop flicked onto your face.

You screamed, louder and louder hoping someone would hear - as ridiculous as that was in a place like this.

But it worked.

A gunshot blasted through the noise and as you jumped in shock, another terrifying thought came to mind.
What if it's the man on the intercom?!

You quickly landed a powerful kick to its stomach and the abomination toppled onto its side, flailing its legs before regaining its natural stance.

Another gunshot and suddenly the monsters head exploded into a sloppy mess, its black blood successfully coating the floor and walls.

You stared on in horror, relief overwhelmed you but at the same time; you still felt fear.

"Put your hands where I can see them!"

It was a voice.
A women's voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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