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One by one they were woken up with bangings on their door. You see, just because they had a free evening the day before didn't mean they had a free morning as well. Namjoon and Jin were the only ones who woke up with a hangover, the rest had decided not to drink.

A photoshoot was scheduled for the afternoon, Namjoon dreaded it. He just wanted to have some sleep.

Him and Jin sat next to each other in the van and leaned against one another to take a quick nap.

They arrived, went straight to hair and makeup. Their photoshoot lasted for 2 1/2 hours. To say that they were starving would be an understatement. Once they were done, they thought they were let off the hook, but no. They were given a mission.

The only way the staff would pay for the food would be if they asked a local to recommend them a place to eat and their favorite dish from said restaurant.

Not too hard, right?

Well, for some of them, who had little knowledge of english, it would be difficult.

Jungkook and Namjoon were one team, Taehyung and Hoseok another, and lastly, Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin.

While the rest ran for the exit in search of locals, Jungkook and Namjoon stayed inside the building they were in and decided to open a random door and ask whoever was inside.

They went up one floor and opened the third door they found. They walked into a different photoshoot. Some people were getting their hair done, their makeup, stylists were laying out clothes, music was blaring. It was some type of fashion shoot- somewhere they weren't supposed to be. They looked at each other and realized it too late, someone had caught them and asked who they were. Just as Namjoon was going to explain and apologize, a voice interrupted.

"Hey, Jeremy, it's all good, they're with me."

The Jeremy guy nodded his head and walked away.

"Oh. Thank you. Sorry, we didn't mean to intrude, it was an accident-"

"Hey, I know you. Namjoon, right?" The girl interrupted. When their eyes met, it clicked. She was the girl from the party, he didn't think he'd ever see her again- it wad a big city, what were the chances? The girl looked over at Jungkook, her face scrunching up as she tried to remember his name. "Jung- Jungkook? I'm horrible at names so forgive me if I'm wrong."

Jungkook looked at Namjoon before nodding, neither of them believing that it was her. Again- what were the chances?

"We're not- we're not following you or anything. We had a shoot, just down there." Namjoon said, pointing to the ground around him, not knowing where exactly the room they used was at.

Taylor smiled, "Don't worry about it, I wasn't even thinking that. What brought you here? This room, I mean."

Before he could respond, Jungkook's stomach made a sound, letting them all know how hungry he really was. He apologized in Korean and looked down so that she wouldn't see the blush in his cheeks.

"Are you hungry? Wait one second, I have something in my bag." She responded in Korean, walking away before either of them could respond.

"She speaks Korean?" Namjoon asked, turning to face Jungkook. The night was kind of a blur to him. He remembered Taylor, how could he not, she was beautiful, but whatever happened after he lent her his jacket, he couldn't quite remember.

"You drank more than I thought." Jungkook simply replied.

They noticed her figure walking back up to them and gave her their attention. Taylor dug through her bag and smiled as she found what she was looking for. She pulled out an almost freshly made sandwich and offered it to Jungkook.

"I just got here a few minutes ago so it's not too bad." She told him.

"No, no, no, it's okay." He responded shaking his head, it didn't feel right taking something from her, he barely knew her. 

"The crew bought lunch, if you don't take it it'll go to waste. You'd be doing me a favor, please."

He accepted it, thanking her. She smiled in response and waited for them to tell her what they were doing there. Namjoon responded in english, explaining that they had this sort of mission between their other friends, and that they needed a local to recommend them a restaurant and a dish.

Taylor assumed that the friends he was talking about were the ones she briefly met the night before.

"Do you live here? In New York, I mean." Namjoon asked, wanting to make sure.

"Yeah, yeah. I do. I could help? Depends what kind of food you wanna get: Mexican, Indian, Chinese."

"Anything's fine."

"Oh." She started off, "There's this place, not too far from here actually. It kind of has like a cafe vibe, but it's not a cafe at all, if that makes sense?"

Namjoon and Jungkook were willing to try it, they had to beat the others -at least Jungkook's competitive self had to beat the others. Taylor nodded her head and wrote down the address, adding her favorite dish under it as well. As she handed it over to them, Namjoon informed her that for proof, they would need a picture with her. He kindly asked her if it was okay and smiled in relief when she agreed.

She smiled to herself, she was a model, she had no problem with pictures.

But just like she didn't know what Namjoon and his friends did, none of them had a clue as to what she did.

She took the photo on Namjoon's phone and handed them it back to them afterward.

Her name was being called in the distance, letting her know it was her turn to shoot

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Her name was being called in the distance, letting her know it was her turn to shoot.

"I have to get going now, but I uh, I hope you both enjoy it." She gave them one last smile before turning to leave, Jungkook and Namjoon doing the same.

Right as they were walking out the door Namjoon's name was called. He stopped halfway and looked back.

"It's a big city, what do you think the chances are we run into each other again?" She bit back a smile, looking down to gain some courage then looking back up to him, "Maybe third time's the charm, right?"

He didn't have time to ask her what she meant by that, she was already walking away.

Wooh this took longer than expected.

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