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The living room is still silent after Tyson grabs his moms arm, forcing her to look at him.

"Ma, what the hell was that?" he yells.

"She will learn her place in this house."

"Ma. you knows she doesn't want to walk with him." Tyson says pointing at the General. "Look," he pulls out his phone showing the texts between the he and his sister, not that Diane bothered to read them.

"You will watch your tone in this house and accept the fact." The General pushes him away from Diane.

"Nigga, who are you even? I'm walking my damn sister and she's wearing the dresses she wants," Tysons voice getting louder. "Also keep your hands off of me." he turns back to his mom, "And you keep your hands off of my damn sister. I refuse to do this again."

* * * The Next Morning * * *

The General cuts off the car, letting out a big sigh. The teen doesn't move, keeping her cheer bag close to her body. The fact that he magically offered to bring her to cheer practice meant something more. The fact he magically agreed to letting Tyson walk her was frighting. It's been awhile since he touched her and for awhile the girl thought she was at peace, especially with her brother back home. She keeps her gaze out the window in hopes that a football player, a teacher or a group of her friends will past by. Since coming into her life, the General has made her feel small, taking her identity. Instead of being Grace Gray she was "that-girl", "little girl" anything that took away her sense of being...her.

"You're going to look beautiful for homecoming." he starts. Grace mentally rolls her eyes, slowly reaching for the door handle. She keeps her bag close, blocking her only way to freedom. "Remove your hand from the handle. We need to have a talk about your behavior anyways." His voice is stern, holding all the power.

"Sorry," she whispers doing as she is told. "I'm sorry, but I need to go to practice."

"So, I guess since your brother is back, you must feel you can do whatever you want." he says dismissing her apology.

"No sir,"

"See that's the problem, young girls like you like to run around with no manners." General's face grows angry. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." Almost breaking her neck, Grace looks at him. "No dignity. You wanna be disrespectful and dress like a slut." Grace quickly shakes her head knowing what is coming next.

"No please, don't I promise I'll be better." Graces cries going back for the handle before the General could do damage. Already knowing her next move the man grabs her arms pulling her back. His left fist connects to her right cheek.

"I see now you don't obey as well. I will break you-." Grace eyes widen seeing him climbing towards her.

"Tyson!" she screams. She always screamed his name in hopes that he would one day save her. The hope that one day her big brother would come an protect her, just as he has done before. Her mind goes blank as her body hurt.

'How can no one hear me? How is no one not seeing this?' she thought to herself as her face is forced into the passenger seat.

"I don't know where you go at night, but you will be back in your bedroom." Grace doesn't respond. Her world re-crushed knowing that the cycle has begun again. The General pulls her hair, "Do. You. Understand. Me." he hisses in her ear.

"Yes sir,"

* * *

Tyson stops the video game, since he is loosing against his friends. "Man they need 2k in jail, cause you suck ass dude." Derek calls throwing the controller on the old couch.

"Just give me time, I'll be whooping your ass soon." Tyson laughs taking a sip of the beer in his hand. Today being his off-day, Tyson made sure to spend sometime with his childhood friends. The General and his mom made it clear that they didn't want Derek or Bryce around or in the house. "Aw shit man, I gotta get going."

"What why?"

"Cause I need to talk to my mom 1-on-1 before the dude comes back bitchin'."

"'Ight mane,"

"Good luck with that," they both say at the same time. Tyson leaves from the living room of Bryce's apartment. The walk back doesn't bother him, but saving up for a car has been a struggle for him. Tyson knows he can't stay in that house forever, especially with General Howard and Diane getting married.

Coming into the house, he hears humming coming from the home office. Tyson checks around the place making sure no listening ears are around.


"Excuse me?" she says looking up from her computer. "I am your mother, young man."

"No offense but you haven't been acting like my mother since, I've came home not to long ago." Diane says nothing, she continues typing on the computer in front of her. Tyson groans as he knows he's right and his being ignored.

"What's up with the General anyways?" he ask coming closer. "I mean he treats you like his-

-He treats me like a man treating his wife." she quickly interrupts. "Look Ty, you're 25 years old for christ sake. Don't be surprise if you two clash okay. He's a good man that is helping this family." her voice getting loud, "Your father has been dead and gone, so don't get offended if a good man comes along and takes the heat off."

"Why do you talk down on Grace. She's just a child,"

"Exactly, she's a child who needs to learn her place."

* * *

Grace gathers herself in the nearby rest room. She makes sure to carry her makeup with her at all times. The General stole a good 35 minutes of her practice time, making her late. Looking in the mirror it seems like the concealer wasn't doing it's job. The yellow and green marking on her brown complexion manage to turn purple. Grace packs on the foundation to help hide her shame. She peaks out the restroom door to see if the General is waiting for her. The dingy parking log is now filled with cars of her peers, but the black SUV she was violated in is gone.

"Already broken," she says to herself.


Grace waves good-bye to her teammates. She knows when she goes into the house, it will be just like before.

"Hey baby, your food is on the stove," Diane calls from the home office.

"Okay," she mumbles, skipping the meal all together. Grace can feel the eyes watching her. She tries to ignore them going towards the bathroom. She knows there she's safe and won't feel dirty.

"Hey cheerleader," Tyson smiles approaching the door. Grace looks up, ready to spill her guts. But she knows he's watching. He's always watching and listening.

"I need to take a bath." she whispers.


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