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Tyson applauses the use of technology. After reading the terrible truth of his sister since he's been gone, Jason finally came over.

"Okay, so I googled how to track an iPhone and we can use any apple products." Jason said. Neither one of the boys owned anything Apple. Taking a chance, Tyson went into the office. The office his mom spent all his time in, the office Grace refused to go in and the office The General hovers over so he wouldn't go in.

"There might be one in the office," Ty takes them into the room, it is also trashed.

"Damn what the fuck? Did someone break in?"

"I don't know, let's make sure the computer works though," Tyson answered. The screen pops up in need of a password. Shit. Tyson looks around the mess in hopes to find a note with the information, C'mon Grace help a brother out.

"Hey man," Jason holds up a blue sticky note. Tyson snatches it, praying the scribbles are correct. The screen logs in with a big picture of Grace and her Cheer-team, "this's must be hers."

"She's not allowed in here tho, never mind track her phone Jason." Jason does as he is told. Together they locate Grace's phone and her whereabouts.

"Where is she?" Jason asked looking at the address.

"I know where, that's at. Mind going for a drive?"

"I mean if my girl is in trouble, hell yeah."

Now, the two men sit in the small car across from the lake house. Ty has never seen nor heard of the place, so it must belong to the General. A scream comes from the house, Tyson holds Jason back from jumping out the car.

"Hold up, I need you to stay here. I'm going to go get her."


"Stay the fuck here, I got this."

"Grace!" Jason yells. He sees a small slim figure in the darkness run out of the house with a big figure following close behind. Tyson quickly gets out heading towards the dock. In the moon light and the few lit outside lamps, he see his little sister with blood and snot on her face. She moves backwards on the dock, holding her hands out to the man in front her here. Grace catches the eye of her brother, "Tyson!" She screams. The man grabs Grace by her throat and turns around so they both face Tyson.

"What are you doing here son?" The General ask. He replaces his hand with a gun to her head as Tyson comes closer.

"Bro let her go, please why are you doing this?"

"Ask ya mom, hell if that deadbeat father of yours was here ask him."

"What my pops got to do with this? Just let Gracy go." Grace continues to scream and struggle against the man.

"Nah ya moms think she slick leaving without giving me my money." Without mercy he throws the teen girl into the dark lake.

"No!" Tyson yells, knowing his sister can't swim. "Why," Tyson runs up to the General to only get shot in the shoulder. The adrenaline in his body doesn't stop him as he fights the man back. Punches are thrown by both. The General smirks taking and receiving every throw.

"Why did your mom want me to kill your dad?" He taunts. "Trading your sister in as payment doesn't last for long." Seeing red, Tyson grabs the General by his head and starts to bang it against the wooden dock, he doesn't stop until the General stops moving completely. Tyson doesn't check, he instead jumps into the spot Grace was thrown in. In the darkness Tyson can't see Grace, he panics going deeper until he feels anything that results in a body. Coming up for air tears fall down his face, Generals body lays lifeless.


"She somewhere down here, help me!" Tyson commands Jason. Jason quickly jumps in as Tyson goes back under. Determined, the young man refuses to stop until he at least finds her body...

Tyson brushes across something soft then he feels something at could be grass. Reaching out he feels an arm. Tyson fulls harder and up to the air.

"Thank you Jesus," he yells. A splash comes from the dock,

"Tyson I can't-

"I got her bro, just help me." Together he two pull the lifeless body from the water. Tyson kicks the Generals body into the water, not caring if it floated or sank. Something will eat it.

"You know CPR?"

"Yeah, I got her, what happened."

Instead of answering, Tyson just stares at the girl. For almost five years his baby sister has been used as payment for their moms doing. His baby sister, a head strong girl afraid to disappoint in result of a punishment. What else has his mom done? Did she put him in jail?

"She still isn't breathing man," Jason cries. Tyson pushes him out the way pushing hard on her chest, "C'mon baby girl, I can't loose you too. I can't," Tyson cries.

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