Dive Deep! The Disturber Has Arrived!

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I promised you it and here it is. A little longer than intended but hey I finished it. Enjoy you impatient f*cks.

The sun beat down on the collection of Human and Faunus personnel standing before "The Grin's" metallic teeth. Using a metal clamp the team place the machine on the iron front teeth to pry open the artificial maw. After some extreme effort they break through the barricade of molars and canines. A sloping path leads on down the dark, dry throat of 'The Grin' littered with dust and spider web cracks on the walls. Glynda lead the group down wards with a touch lighting the way and keeping a close eye on the dark shadows on the walls. The shadows danced as the collection of bodies passed the light armed men and women.

Oobleck: How strange. These cracks look like the byproduct of a strong impact on the walls. A battle must have happened here.

Glynda: Whoever made these cracks must have had a grudge against this mystery figure. Who would have attacked this place?

Oobleck: Like any secretive cult the followers of a larger or more popular religion might see this as an act of defiance against their god or gods. 'The Grins' followers must have grown too much for their rivals liking and seemed to destroy everything this place stood for. I just expected to be some human or Faunus remains yet there is none.

Glynda: The people must have escaped before their temple was attacked. It's a shame. That all these people built would be destroyed because their beliefs were different.

Oobleck: Now now Glynda. No time for feeling sorry. We have a job to do.

The team stop at an intersection dividing into three possible directions. Glynda splits the party in to three teams. The first team consisted of Team RWBY and Prof. Oobleck while the second consists of Team JNPR and Prof. Goodwitch. The third had faceless nobodies used as filler characters.

The teams went their separate ways in an attempt to cover more ground in this labyrinth of old stone. Team JNPR and Prof. Goodwitch walk down the corridor lined with unlit straw torches and a solitary skeleton holding one of the torches. The straw was black with use from centuries passed.

Jaune: That's...not real right? Im just seeing this right?

Pyrrha: I can see it too Jaune. It's not in your head.

Jaune: I wish it was...

Prof. Goodwitch: So there was a battle here. He must have been one of the few trying to escape. I need to contact Prof. Oobleck on this. Do not touch the skeleton or go any further down the hall. Especially you Miss Valkyrie.

Nora: I wouldn't dream of it!

Glynda walked off down the hall. The instant she was out of sight Nora makes a mad grab for the skull and uses it as a hand puppet.

Ren: Nora what did the Professor just say?


Ren: Nora put it down.

Nora: NO! And you will refer to him as THE GREAT PAPYRUS!

Ren: Nora no.


With the skull in hand Nora runs off deeper into the insides of the unexplored. The rest of Team JNPR race after their energetic friend. The walls became rougher and the air grew colder with every step they took. Until they find their friend stationary in-between the frame of a stone arch decorated by two more unlit torches. Upon getting closer to the arch they could see the remains of a burnt wooden door blown off the hinges of the frame. Nora once again rushed forwards through the door, leaving 'Papyrus' behind. JNPR followed once more into the dark room. The room was massive with the roof rising higher and higher the longer you looked at it. The walls and floors were worn down from centuries of neglect and natural phenomena. The only thing seemingly untouched by time was a painted mural at the back of the room. Using the torches on hand the team pointed them at the mural. It depicted a hooded figure in tattered robes and covered in chains with his fist raised above his head with an army behind him mimicking his action. Bellow the ancient artwork was a stone table with a skeleton with tattered, grime covered robes and a dagger in its hand leaning against it. Pyrrha was the first to realise this entire building was a tomb, a tribute to a man who was worshipped like a god.

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