A/N Getting There The Second + Teaser

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*Grumbles*I can already see a meme forming here...

Oh it's you. Didn't want to see you there-I mean didn't expect to see you there...

*Strained Smile*I am ecstatic you are here...

So, on the topic of updates, I have been procrastinating. A lot. I am lazy. A sloth. Snail. Team Four Star with their updates on DBZA. I. AM. SLOW.

I know the ending of the chapter I'm writing but every time I look at the draft I feel like it's not quite a chapter you would enjoy. Is it too much talking? Is there too little? It feels awful. 

Now I will try to finish the chapter by the 30th of May...probably.

I tend to get distracted by anything and everything that isn't this story. Mainly video games. Especially video games.

So just to show you that I do have a draft here's a little something for you.


The truck slows down to a jerky stop and the back doors swing open. The teams jumped out of the truck while some Beacon staff lift the stretcher out of the truck onto a parked Airbus. The stretcher is strapped to the floor of the fuselage. The teams board the Airbus with the professors and take off back to the academy. After a brief flight on the Airbus, Beacon academy comes into view. The metal contraption lands in front of the academy where the headmaster of the hunters academy Professor Ozpin stood. The doors slide open with Prof. Goodwitch stepping out first followed by Prof. Oobleck and the students accompanying them.

Ozpin: Glynda. Bartholomew. I trust the field trip was entertaining for the two of you.

Oobleck: Indeed it was. I can't say the same for Glynda though.

Glynda: The structure wasn't empty. We found a man in there. He attacked Team JNPR and myself but we have subdued him for the time being.

Ozpin: I thought there was something off about the temple. Bring him back to my office. I would like to speak with him in private.

The headmaster turns to the students who just finished dropping off the Airbus.

Ozpin: As of now you will be given the rest of today to recover from todays trip. You are dismissed.

The group of students walk past the professors back into the academy. Some Beacon staff grab the stretcher (Y/N) was on and brings him into the building. While walking past, Yang waves at the unconscious figure as he enters the elevator to the Headmasters office.

Yang: Bye (Y/N)~


There. A teaser for you. Happy? Good! Bye.

Mere Myth (RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now