4:Need No Man, Honey

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Ships: Prinxiety & a slight Logince
BROTP or OTP: Both (ish)
Prompt: Roman has been a very toxic relationship. His overprotective yet anxious friend, Virgil, warned him. He didn't listen. Roman should've.
Trigger Warnings:Crying, Fluff, Platonic Relationship, Confessions
Roman was in love. He was in love with a very toxic man. Yet, he didn't see that, oh, but Virgil did. He saw right through it. He wasn't dumb, not a tiny bit.

Virgil lost his father to a toxic, cheating women, who Virgil dared to not call her family or mother. He wasn't going to let another toxic asshole destroy someone he cared for.

He wasn't.

Viril tried to tell him that oh, his true love wasn't the right one for him. But, Roman wouldn't listen, he was angry at Virgil for believing in such thing.

Roman came back to Logan for support, he was gonna tell Logan what Virgil had told him.

Roman wasn't the one to knock on doors, so he slammed open the door without thinking.

He wished he listened to Virgil's warning.

He wanted to bleach his eyes right there on the spot. He left Logan's house after a few minutes with dark, painful bruises and cuts.

Roman didn't believe he ran so quickly from anyone in such a short time, but he did.

Virgil opened his door to only to shut it close when a crying Roman jumped into his arms.

Virgil would bring Roman to his couch and cradled him closely, soothing him with warm, trustworthy words.

Roman would explain his story, all while crying and sobbing. Virgil listened to it all, encouraging Roman to tell him when he would stop and cry even more.

Roman would be messed up but he wouldn't care, as it was his best friend who he was telling his story too.

Virgil hugged the smaller man tightly and closely, running his long, slender fingers in his rich brown hair.

Roman sobbing would decrease, as he began to calm down.

"I should've listened to you Virgil....none of this would've of have happened if I listened to you." Roman murmured softly, his head lying ontop of Virgil's chest.

"Oh shush, Princey. Logan is a bag full of shit and stupidity. Anyone who truly loved you would know this. Besides, why are you so interested in love and shit. Why not be asexual. Heck, be an platonic asexual."

Roman straddled Virgil's hips, staring directly into Virgil's hazy mocha eyes. "Love is beautiful. Love makes people happy, it's one thing that makes people alive. Surely, you felt that way before, haven't you?"

Virgil looked away from Roman's gaze, looking at anything but Roman's gaze. "Yes...yes I have..but I don't want to be in love with anybody, anymore."

Roman frowned, his heart crushing. He had a small crush on the anxious man, but would never admit. Until now.

"Uh...Virgil...I need to confess something to you..I uh....I had this small crush on you....for a very long time...and oh god..." Roman covered his face with his hands, his face flustered in embarrassment.

'He probably hates me now, oh god. I'm so fucking disgusting, oh my lord!'

Roman was surprised when his hands was taken off his face and even more surprised when Virgil lean in so closely to him.

"I like you too." Virgil said, as he pressed his lips onto Roman's lips. Roman squeaked at the sudden act, but quickly pressing his lips onto Virgil's.

They separated, Virgil still holding onto Roman's wrists. "Virgil...would you do the honors of being my boyfriend?"

Virgil bit his lips,"I'm willing too except if we just put all the sexual feelings and what not things in the fire and burn it."

"Let me rephrase that. Would you do the honor of being my PLATONIC boyfriend?"

Virgil smiled. "In thst case, yes. I will do the honors of being your PLATONIC boyfriend."

Virgil pressed his lips against Roman's, as Roman pressed his against Virgil's.

Roman smiled.

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