Hellooo guys!!!
These poetry is really special because it's delicate to girl with high spirit in her life... Wishing her Happiest Birthday shilpi87 😘😘
Wish for you,
Stars should always twinkle in your darken night,
Rainbows to follow after storms,
Sunset for your sorrows.
Wish for you,
Smiles to kiss your lips,
Heart to get overwhelmed with Love,
Eyes should shine in joy.
Wish for you,
Passion to enlighten to your dreams,
Burning desire to conquer your aims,
Love to sustain.
Wish for you,
Be happy,
Be healthy,
Be peaceful,
Be successful,
Be a great person.----------------------------------------------
So shilpi87 did you like it???
And rest of people was it good wish???
Well it was not that I wish only for her but for each and every wattpadians family...😘❤
So friends this one is for you even❤
akismat ankitagaude DivineDarkness1111 Aditi2904 chelsy333 sanyayaa angelshiva Risinglife Silent_Star13 rabia0032 ridhi_gupta Swarmayi satya099 DazzlingIsha55 Lovely_Rhythm
Sorry if anyone left out🙏.
Take care...bbyee....
Beyond The Words!!!
PoetryJust trying to pen down the feeling...hope you guys like it..