The Brave

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Noelle's pov

I woke up the next morning to Four banging the metal pole against the door frame. I got out of bed with the worst headache ever. How much did I drink?! When I remember what happened last night. I almost kissed Eric!! My sister would be pissed if she found out, but I guess I just won't tell her. But I didn't think that was right. So I'll tell her when I think the time is right.

I went to the showers to wash off the smell of beer. I got dressed in black skinny jeans a black and gray tank top and gray Nikes. After me Lilly, Greggory, Sierra, and Kasadie got ready we went to the dining hall to get breakfast before training today.

As we sat down at our usual spot I grabbed a strawberry muffin and an apple before sitting down as we began eating our food Militia came to the table and sat down I noticed she had a dark spot on her neck. "So sis, what's up with those hickeys on your neck" I asked laughing "shut up" she said as her cheeks flushed red "how waisted did you get" Kasadie asked from across the table. At that point I knew Mish was embarrassed so I had to do something. "So what are we gonna do in training today" I asked Mish giving her a sympathetic smile. "Your going to fight each other" as Mish said this I began to get nervous knowing I was probably gonna loose "shit" I said with a shaky breath. "You'll be fine Noelle as long as Four and Eric are sympathetic and don't pair you with another Dauntless born" I blushed at Mish mentioning Eric's name remembering last night.

As we entered the training room I put my long blond hair in two french braids. "Today initiates you will be fighting each other, some transfers will be fighting Dauntless born so I suggest if your not going first you pay attention to the other initiates fighting techniques" Four said this and we all looked at each other. "First fight Kasadie and Aaron" what Kasadies gonna get hurt. "That's not fair he's top of the class and Kasadie is just starting" I yelled not thinking about it. Oh no. "So it won't be hard to take her place then" Eric said looking at my face for an emotion but I kept my face strait. "Fine, for Kasadie" I said looking at her. This is for Kasadie I kept repeating in my mind.

As I took my shoes off I walked up to the platform getting nervous. I wasn't sure how Aaron fought. But why would Eric say I had to fight him if he knew I was gonna loose. No. I had to think positive, I will win for Kasadie for my friends.

"Ready to loose" Aaron said but you could tell he didn't want to fight me. "Oh trust me I think you should ask yourself those words" I said through gritted teeth. "Start" I heard Four yell from the other side of the room. As he throws a punch towards my face I dodge and hit him right in the stomach, he stumbled back I took my chance and hit him right in the jaw I heard a crack but I wasn't stoping there. I then kicked the side of his head which caused him to fall and hold his face on the ground. I looked at Eric so he could call it but then he said "finish it" I looked at Aaron and mouthed sorry before punching him in the face knocking him out. I saw blood splatter once I hit him I felt terrible... I grew up with Aaron and I just hurt him a lot. I walked off the mat grabbed my shoes and left the training room not looking back.

I decided to go to the Chasm to clear my head. I sat down on the edge and put my arms on the metal railing, by now I already put my shoes back on. I heard someone coming up behind me I thought it was one of my friends but then I heard his voice. "Your not gonna jump are you" Eric asked sitting down next to me. "What do you want Eric" I asked looking at him, "to see if your ok" he said. I looked at him in confusion, "sense when do you care what happens to me" I said closing my eyes listening to the water running. "You made me fight Aaron because you thought I would get beat didn't you" I asked standing up. As soon as he didn't answer I started to walk back to the dining hall to get lunch before I had to go back to training.

I walked into the dining hall and all my friends were already there. "Hey" they all said in sink to each other "hey guys" I said sitting next to Kasadie and Greggory. "Noelle I'm sorry you had to fight Aaron for me" Kasadie said giving me a hug, "it's ok I just didn't want you to get hurt". After that we all got some lunch and decided to go to training earlier.

As we got in the training room everyone was already there." This board will show you your ranks if your below the red line you have a potential chance of becoming factionless" as my sister said this she pressed the button and our ranks showed up.


I'm first!?! Didn't see that coming. "Kasadie and Ethan you guys are below the red line which means if you want to stay in Dauntless you have to pull your ranks up"  as Mish said this I knew exactly why Kasadie was one of the last ones. Eric. That son of a bitch made me fight Aaron because he new if I beat him I would be one of the top ranked. He knew Aaron was stronger then almost all of us.
Of course there was alot more initiates in our class but those are the ones I knew before. "Now we are gonna practice shooting after that you'll be free to do what you want for the rest of the day, as long as we say so at the end" Four told us this then we went up to the roof to start practicing.

As we were all on the roof Eric already showed us an example of how to shoot and we each got a gun and stood in front of the target. Just to say, I was terrible at shooting. "Once again your stance isn't right and your holding the gun wrong" oh god it was Eric. "Well how should I do it then" I asked looking at him. "Like this" he said that then grabbed my waist turned me around kicked my feet apart then put his hands on mine so I knew how to hold the gun right. "Now look through the sight and aim it just above where you want the bullet to go" he whispered in my ear softly which sent a shiver down my spine. As his finger went over mine one over the trigger we put pressure on it so it shot almost in the middle. "Thanks Eric that really helped" then he looked at me then smiled and leaned down and said "every morning an hour before every other initiate wakes up you'll come down to the training room so I can help you get better"  then continued down the line. Great. Now I have to get up even earlier and train even more. I'm already top of my class why does he want to train me more?? Whatever if he hates me so much that he wants to make my life miserable then fine then I'll make our training a living hell.

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