Chapter 5: You don't have to be alone

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A/N: I know me updating is a big shocker >.<

I know, I know, I am a terrible human being. But here it is finally. What you guys have been asking for ;)  


When I woke up I looked around to find no trace of Chloe. I was still a little unsure whether it all really happened or it was just my imagination. Yet when I was searching the place Chloe had previously been laying I could still feel it was a little warm from her body. With some effort I pushed myself out of bed and brushed my teeth. Where did she go? I wondered. I took a simple baseball T-shirt from the closet and some blue jeans. With my unicorn socks I walked down the stairs to catch on not only aunt May's voice but also that of Chloe's. She was still here. Okay be cool Beca. Be cool. I tried to calm down my heartbeat just thinking about how she had been laying in my arms the whole night. I emerged from the corner and watched as how Chloe was helping my aunt in the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. "He Becs! Want an omelet?" She asked. I walked over to the table and sat down slowly. "Uhm sure." It was probably the cutest sight ever. Chloe in some pink pyjamas with little bunnies on them and a white T-shirt just a little too big for her, making an omelet. The ping of the toaster sounded and Chloe knew it was finished. She spread the perfectly rounded egg over the toast, poured in the fresh made orange juice and put everything down in front of me. "Bon Apetit." She said. "It smells so good." I cheered happily. "Thank you Chlo." I said gratefully before digging in like some animal that hadn't been eaten for days. "I'm just going to put on some decent clothes. I'll be right back." Chloe said then headed upstairs.

Aunt May sat down next to me her face turning more serious. "Chloe told me what happened."
"What should we do aunt May?" I asked her, feeling a little clueless myself.
"I'm afraid we can't do much dear... Chloe knows she is welcome to stay as long as she likes."
"I should have a word with that father of hers." I said angrily, I unconsciously made a fist with my hand. I wanted to get up when aunt May held my wrist. "Beca. Don't do anything reckless." She said and pleaded me with her eyes. I sighed in defeat and sat down again. She was right. There wasn't anything I or Spiderwoman could do here.


I walked upstairs to check up on Chloe. I was just about to knock but the door was left slightly open. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help myself but peek inside for a bit. I was sure my jaw hit the floor right of that moment. I was eying Chloe who stood baby naked. I knew I had to turn my gaze, this was beyond the definition of creepy but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was absolutely stunning. I felt my cheeks heat up in a direct response to the sight before me. Though that wasn't the only thing to heat up as I soon felt a heat between my inner thighs. I cursed at my weakness, momentarily looking down in shame. Then when I looked up again I found myself like a deer trapped in the headlights of Chloe's eyes. She was looking right at me. In shock I made a sound I didn't know I was capable of making and shut the door shut, fleeing to hide myself in the bathroom. "Beca don't be ridiculous, it's nothing you haven't seen before." Chloe said, and I was grateful for the door that served as a barrier because my face was as red as a tomato.


After lunch I wandered the roofs of New York as Spiderwoman in a weak attempt to clear my mind. Usually being up high in the air helped me feel a little lighter of all my problems and thoughts. The whole day a certain someone was on my mind. To be frankly that someone was occupying my thoughts like 90- no, scratch that , 99% of the time. Being in love sucks.
I heard the siren of a police car and leaped off the tower-high building. I shot a web to attach myself onto the next building and swung higher into the air.


That evening me, Chloe and the other Bellas attended to some party we had been invited to. There was something really off about our host, and I'm not even talking about the fact I had to make a fart noise to be let in and that he is very protective of his goose statuette. Our host led us down to where the party was (supposed to) being held (I had yet to see if this guy wasn't going to lock us up in his cellar and put us on sale on the black market as slaves). Fortunately it was just a classy mid 80's kind of party.

After my somewhat awkward encounter with the leaders of DSM, we had to compete with the other acapella groups. Of course Chloe was all fired up and defeat was not an option. In the end it was just us and DSM but by bad luck our rookie, Emily, was chosen to come up with the next song and she totally blacked out, singing her own song instead. Honestly I was kind of impressed she had written the song herself, something I was just uncappable of doing. I did my best preventing Chloe from strangling the poor kid. The competition did give me some nostalgia feels. I thought back of my first riff off. Ugh do I feel old...


On our way back to the club house I stopped Chloe in her pace. "So Chlo... where will you sleep now?"
"I guess I could just sleep at the club house but..." Chloe mumbled, her eyes going anywhere but my direction.
"But what?" I asked.
She blushed making me more curious. "Never mind, it's silly."
I kept my smile and gaze at place. "You can tell me."
"I don't want to be alone..." She murmured, then when she finally looked at me I saw the emotion behind her words that had started to show.
"Then don't be..." I took her hand, feeling my heart pick up the pace of that of a wild horse. I felt scared. But the good kind of scared you know? Like the kind of scared right before you go on a rollercoaster. Her face turned impossibly red and her smile made me feel like I could die happily at that moment. "Let's go inside." I finally said and felt her grip around my hand tighten when I pulled her along.
Flo was a weekend at her parents, so we had the fort all to ourselves. The room was completely dark except for a few small lights like the purple lava lamp, the LED bulb-like lights above Chloe's bed and the fake candles on the desk. I was laying on Flo's bed, staring at the ceiling. There was long silence until both of us clumsily started talking at the same time.
"So what-" "How is-"
We laughed. Feeling some of the tension fade away.
"You first." I said.
"Beca..." Chloe started. "Come and lie next to me."
And there was that sound again. Of both the sound of excitement as like the sound you make when you spill hot coffee. I had to get it together. Chloe was asking, no- commanding. No- no... proposing? You know what? It doesn't matter- what mattered was I had to get my butt into her bed.
I tiptoed over to her bed and she held the covers up for me so I could dive in. I was a little shy at first when I bumped against Chloe's body but she gave me a smile, telling me it was alright. We snuggled close together and I rested my chin on the top of her head. "Sleep tight..." She whispered.
"Sleep tight..." I let out a breath I didn't even knew I was holding and hoped she wouldn't hear how fast my heart was going. I think if she did, she would think I was having some kind of seizure or something. I could only think about how right it felt to have her in my arms. And that I wished for this to repeat every night. Though... would she feel the same? 

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