Front Line

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Being on the front line doesn't always mean facing the obvious, being on the front line can be as simple as facing life head-on with no clue where you're going. Life is as much of a front line in the wider perspective than the narrower of that of a battle, where the enemy is known and destination is everywhere but backwards.

Therefore in life everyone has a story, this is no different. This story tells the story of Julianna Monroe (Name changed to hide/protect myself), and how even the simple things in life can alter the future in the most minute of ways. Not everything in life has to be all song and dance for it to be interesting and diverse, the story of Julianna's life will show and connect to those with lives just the same as hers who are not able to speak about their experiences.

Her story begins when she is around 3-4 years old, just about to start the very first away-from-home experience children in the United Kingdom are encouraged to do. Nursery. Here kids just like Julianna are given the freedom and chance to explore outside of the home environment, without the feeling of an academic learning facility.

Julianna is a child rather used to home comforts, so even at the beginning on the long road to get to where she is today, there are struggles and many points in at which she feels lost. However, despite all the minor stumbles on the bottom rung of this ladder, this is the start of an adventure, a journey to test everything Julianna is made of.

Her story starts now...

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