Remember Me? Chapter 1

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Today was the day. You were about to meet your idols, your heroes: 5 Seconds of Summer! You'd been waiting for this moment for months and now you were standing in line waiting to get your VIP backstage pass checked. Security, ugh.

As you stood there impatiently, you observed the two girls in front of me. They were beautiful.

Man, it's gonna be disappointing to go from meeting those models to fat, ugly me.

You didn't bother dressing up or anything for the big day. No pretty dress or amount of makeup could fix this mess. You wore a pair of acid-wash skinny jeans because you felt they held in your thighs and a 5SOS tee with a grey hoodie over it to hide your scars. Your hair wasn't all that special either. You had your wavy brown locks pulled up into a loose ponytail, so overall you thought you looked like something that just crawled out of a sewer.

You overheard part of the girls' conversation; something along the lines of "OMG, I can't believe we're about to meet Lukey!" escaped their mouths in between their annoying girly squeals of joy. You were pretty sure you heard one of them call Ashton by the name Austin. Ponies, you thought.

Finally your pass was yanked from your hand and the only thing separating you from 5SOS was the door and this grumpy security guard. He tossed it back at you and you nearly dropped it as the other, more mellow, security guard pushed the door open for you.

"Have fun!" she said with a cheesy smile. As soon as you stepped in the room, you felt the eyes judging you. Great, this whole room is full of pretty girls. I'm sure to stand out!

Shyly, you to Calum who was on the end and handed him a piece of paper to sign. "Hey babe!" he greeted you cheerfully. "How's it goin'?"

"Okay. How are you?"

"Just dandy!" he smiled cheekily. "Thanks for coming!" You nodded and hugged him with an "I love you".

Next was Michael. "Hello!" he said, also very cheekily.

"Hi, Michael! I love you!"

"Love you too, doll!" he said as he signed your paper then hugged you. You smiled weakly then walked toward Luke.

A mother was trying to pry the two beauty queens in front of me away from Luke, but they held on tight. Finally a security guard came and escorted them away before they could meet "Austin".

You walked up to him and did the same 'hi, i love you, thanks bye' you'd done with the other two boys.

Lastly, you saw Ashton standing there. Now, you loved all of the boys A LOT, really you did. But, like most 5SOS fans, there's always that one boy who you have a soft spot for. That boy was Ashton for you. Ashton had been self-harmer just as you were. You felt that you could relate to him more than the other boys. And even though he self-harmed, he was still so lively and joyful when he was with the boys and I guess that's what kept you going.

You stood there, waiting for the girl in front of you to move so you could meet your hero. She was standing there, fake-crying, practically showing off her "scars" to Ashton, just so he'd do what he always did: draw a butterfly on her wrist. The scars looked so fake; it pained you to see him hesistantly grab the pen from her and draw the little winged creature on her arm. I mean, he obviously realized they were faux scars but didn't want to be rude to a fan and turn her down. Finally she hugged him and ran off, squealing with happiness as she told her friend, rather loudly, how she'd had her "super-artistic" friend draw the scars on. What. The. Heck?

OK, it was your turn. Don't screw this up, Y/N. This could possibly be your one and only chance to interact with Ashton. Don't screw it up.

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