Remember Me? Chapter 2

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"Hi, love. What's your name?" His bright smile made you smile too. But then you realized you were talking to Ashton freaking Irwin so you froze up.

"Uh.. uh.." Suddenly you can't remember your name. I mean you know it but you just can't say it. What's happening?

"Ooh, guess that's a tough one, huh?" He laughed adorably at his own joke and you just stood there, barely getting out a weak laugh.

"Haha oh, sorry. That wasn't very funny, huh? Well, um..."

He grabbed your VIP badge and scanned it over with his eyes. "..judging by this tag, your name is Y/N. What a lovely name."

"Th-thank you," you stuttered as you looked up at him bashfully.

"Ah, she speaks!" he half-yelled with his perfect giggle. "Sorry, sorry," he said, waving his hands.

You stood their awkwardly for a while then finally got the courage to hug him. You held on tight as his big muscly drummer arms wrapped around you. You whispered an 'I love you' and he responded back with an 'I love you too' just like he did with all the others but somehow it still felt kinda special.

After about a minute of hugging, you pulled away and handed him the slip of paper to sign. You dug into your tight-tight jeans pocket for a pen and you pulled it out with such force that it flew out of your hand onto the floor to your left

As you both reached down to grab it, some of Ashton's bracelets got caught on your sweatshirt sleeve, pulling your sleeve up and revealing your scars.

You hastily pulled the sleeve back up but it was too late. He'd already seen them.

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