2. False Trust and A Change Of Plans

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Ludwig ended up missing his target. Unfortunately, his target was anywhere but where the intruder was standing, because of the rule of not hurting other nation's citizens.

A loud and high-pitched "EEP!" noise erupted from the intruder as he stumbled back, then crumbled forward in pain, clutching his right shoulder. Blood seeped through his fingers, dripping down his arm and onto his jeans. Everyone else stared at the intruder in shock.

"Shit," the intruder muttered, looking at his bloody hand. He hissed through his teeth.

"That was..." Ludwig began, beginning to panic slightly, "that was not what I meant to do."

The intruder sighed. "It's fine," he said, standing up in apparently minimal discomfort. "Just jumped me, is all."

George looked at the intruder with a slightly exasperated look. "Al, you've just been shot. Of course you're not fine," he said, his voice soft yet scolding.

The intruder shrugged. "Not like I haven't had worse."

"Why do you always do this," George muttered with a sigh. He moved to get up, but Yao tightened his hold around his shoulders.

The intruder looked at Yao questioningly. "Can you please let go of my son?" he asked, only for Yao to tighten his grip again and turn away defiantly.

"Please?" The intruder tried again.

"Let him go, Yao," Francis said. Yao glared at him for a second, but obliged.

George got up and walked towards the intruder. "Did you bring a first aid kit here?" he asked.

"Bold of you to assume I know where one is in the first place," the intruder replied simply, a slight chuckle bleeding through his words.

George sighed. "I'll ask Matthew, then," he muttered, before grumbling something about free healthcare. He left the room, leaving the intruder and the nations in an awkward silence.

"Alfred?" Arthur asked finally, looking slightly hurt at the intruder.

"Hm?" the intruder replied, turning to the Brit. The other nations looked at him in slight confusion.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asked quietly, not meeting the intruder's eyes. "About George?" Francis put his hand on Arthur's shoulder.


"Do you really think I could trust you?" the intruder interrupted. "When I started rebelling, all you did to try to get me to stop was hurt me and my people. During 1812 all you wanted was revenge. To see me suffer. I don't even want to think about what you would have done to my kids."

Arthur glanced down. "I wouldn't have hurt him," he said sadly. "Not willingly."

"You weren't yourself back then, Arthur," the intruder said, though his words were softer than before. "You were drunk with power. You weren't thinking about the consequences of your actions, how what you were doing could affect others." He sighed. "I've been there, too. We probably all have." Arthur nodded. There was another moment of silence.

"So, you really are Alfred, then?" Feliciano asked finally.

Alfred chuckled. "Surprisingly, I am the person I say I am, yes."

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