3. Rules and Into Chaos

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The rest of the plane ride went smoothly, thankfully. There was little turbulence, and it was a relatively cloudless day where they were landing, a remote area of Arkansas. They got there at around 2:00 in the afternoon. Alfred assisted with the landing due to the remoteness of the area and the smaller landing track, but overall it went very well.

Three teenagers were waiting by the hangar as the plane approached. One waved happily at Alfred when they got close enough, a girl with fair skin and long mocha-brown hair that was slightly pulled back from what Francis and Ludwig could tell. Alfred excitedly returned her wave, and then the plane entered the hangar.

After docking, Ludwig, Francis, and Alfred stayed in the plane while the rest prepared to leave. To their surprise, however, the three teenagers had already rolled up a metal portable staircase and had started unloading their luggage when they opened the door. Additionally, some sandbags had been tossed out, and a small cluster of their luggage had been pushed towards the base of the stairs.

"Hi!" one of the teenagers called. He smiled up at the nations as he pushed one of the luggage cases towards the cluster.

"Hey, Toivo!" Matthew called back with a wave. The boy apparently named Toivo waved back, then walked back into the belly of the plane.

The nations plus George and John filed down the stairs as the teenagers continued to unload. George and John began to wander towards the side of the hangar, and Matthew began to help unload luggage, but the rest of the nations just stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Why did you guys have to put so many sandbags in the plane?" a female voice said. Just a moment later a face to the voice appeared, the same girl who had waved at Alfred previously, although now she looked slightly more agitated.

"Weight distribution!" George called back. "You know that, Anna!"

"Well, you didn't have to put it in front of half the luggage," a third voice said from inside the plane's belly.

"You're right," Matthew said, "we just wanted to make it harder for you guys."

"Uncle Matthew!" Anna exclaimed in mock exasperation. Matthew chuckled.

"Really though, if you should blame anyone, blame Al," he said.

"What did I do this time?" Alfred asked loudly as he exited the plane, Francis and Ludwig exiting behind him.

"Poor placement of sandbags!" Anna called up.

"Okay, listen," Alfred started. "That wasn't all my fault. We found the sandbags halfway through loading."

"You could've, you know, waited until you actually found the sandbags," the third voice the said as he dragged a sandbag out of the belly. He had black hair that was slightly on the shorter side and looked slightly unkempt. He was also tall and more on the skinny side, but despite that he seemed to be carrying the sandbag with little effort.

Alfred shrugged. "Whoops."

"Wait, holy shit Al what happened to your shoulder!?" the third voice exclaimed, evidently noticing Alfred's wrapped shoulder. He dropped the sandbag and ran over the the bottom of the staircase.

"Oh fuck," Anna said. "Yeah what's up with that?"

Alfred waived them off. "It's nothing, just a small accident. Almost healed up now anyway." He walked over to the luggage cluster and grabbed his own bag from it. Ludwig and Francis, meanwhile, joined the other nations in not knowing what to do.

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