Chapter 8

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He was scared. This time, his nightmare was the one where he was first kidnapped. He always dreamed about it, and no matter what he did, it always returned. He was running from the soldiers. They were much bigger and stronger than him, and were very much capable of hurting him. One of them had caught up to him and grabbed his arm, causing him to scream. He knew it was useless, but maybe someone, anyone, would hear him. And suddenly, his saving grace had arrived. But, unlike in reality, dream Virgil had grabbed him by the neck and held him as the soldiers stabbed and hit him.
"You are alone. You will always be alone." Virgil's voice was deep and demonic. Patton suddenly sat up, practically drowning in tears and shaking. He held his head and began to sob. He wanted to go back. He wanted to see Roman again. He wanted to go home. Virgil shuffled and muttered in his sleep, making Patton cover his mouth to muffle the sobs. He was still shaking, and he took off his glasses, curling into a ball and taking deep breaths to calm himself. He finally gave up and began pacing the tower. He stared out the window at the beautiful night sky above him. His tears almost instantly dried up and his eyes sparkled as bright as the stars themselves. He smiled and sighed, his mind filling with calm hope. Virgil had begun to stir, and took notice of Patton's new position. He looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at the blanket draped on him. Patton saw Virgil awake and gasped, backing away.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see the sky and I figured you would want to stay warm and-" Patton cut himself off, intimidated by Virgil's slight glare. He nodded solemnly and sat back down on his 'bed'. Virgil stood up, throwing the blanket at his servant.
"Don't even try." Virgil left the tower, locking the door behind him and leaving Patton alone yet again.
Roman arose suddenly, panting heavily and sweating. What had happened? He knew, but he couldn't quite remember what it was called. He had experienced one before, he was sure of it. There was a knock on the door, interrupting his thoughts. He took a few seconds to compose himself before opening it.
"Logan? Why are you awake?" Logan looked like he had ran and was slightly
"Prince Roman, I heard you yell, is everything alright?" Roman nodded.
"Yeah just uh...bad dream." Logan nods, understanding.
"Ah, a nightmare." Roman felt a bit embarrassed for forgetting.
"Y-yeah...that." Logan placed a hand on his shoulder in attempt to comfort him.
"Would you like it if we discussed it?" Roman nodded and let Logan in his room. They both sat on the bed.
"Okay was about Patton." Logan looked sad for a second before returning to his normal robot-like self.
"What about him?" Roman took a deep breath and began explaining.
"Well, he was scared and running from something. He was grabbed and tried to get away. Someone saved him, but then they grabbed and strangled him. They said 'You are alone. You will always be alone.' I tried to save him. I was right there, but I just phased through him. He looked so scared." Roman broke down and cried. Logan wrapped his arms around the sobbing prince and rubbed circles into his back. Logan had never been good at comforting or anything dealing with emotion, but he had investigated Patton long enough to get the gist of it.
"It is alright. That was not real, it was merely a dream." Roman nodded and wiped a tear from his sleeve, pulling away from the hug.
"I know, but it seemed so real. What if it was one of those visions people talk about? What if he's in danger? What if-"
"Everything is alright. We will save him in time. For now, you do not need to worry," Logan interrupted.
"How can I not worry? Logan, he's out there in that terrible kingdom. He could be tortured and injured there! He could..." Roman trailed off, seeing Logan's eyes begin to water. Logan had always loved Patton's company. Patton had been the only thing that could ever make him feel. It was Roman's turn to comfort him
"It's okay, I know you miss him. Just let it out." Logan finally stopped holding it back and began to sob. Tears soaked Roman's shirt, but he didn't mind.
"I just...he was so precious. How could someone take him away?" Roman nodded, petting his hair.
"I know, I know. Just let it go." Logan sat up suddenly, silent judgement etched in his face.
"Really? A Frozen reference?" Roman nodded confidently and Logan attempted to hide laughter.
"But of course, I am the prince, after all!" Logan smiled and Roman hugged him once more just to be sure he was okay.
"So, shall we plan to rescue him?"
"Sounds like a plan." Logan rolled his eyes and stood up to leave.
"Oh Logan?" He paused and turned to the prince.
"Yes?" Roman smiled
"Thank you." Logan nodded and returned Roman's smile, closing the door carefully. Roman laid back down and drifted back into gentle sleep.

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