Chapter 18

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 At the side of the castle, a figure had been listening. He stood silently, taking in all the sound heard from inside Virgil's room. Another snuck up behind him, quickly disarming him of his dagger and aiming it at his neck.

"And just who might you be~?" The smaller man glared, a good sign for anyone in the Dark Kingdom.

"Angel. And you?" The man lowered the dagger instantly, taking accustomed to the other. He began taking note of him, finding him of use.

"I'm known to most as Deceit. What are you doing this close to the castle?" Angel glanced up at the window, thinking of how this other could help him in his plan.

"I'm listening to the prince. He's become bright. He plans to 'fix what he's done' and he'll make an announcement soon" Deceit thought about this, nodding slowly. The same idea began formulating in both of their minds. They had formed a sort of alliance in some way, without requiring a spoken conformation.

"How would you like to help me in this? It's clear you like this place the way it is as much as me, but the prince wants to change it. I say we assassinate him and take over this kingdom and make it the destruction that it should" Angel nodded, a dark smile forming on his face. The smile faltered a second as he processed the idea further.

"What do I get in doing this?" He crossed his arms, staring coldly into the other's eyes.

"Whatever you so desire, though I shall rule" Angel let that sink in, one single thought drowning all others out. Others ignored him and pushed him away, but if he had control over them, he would be able to do anything he wanted. The power was almost maddening, and he agreed immediately. The castle doors opened, and four figures walked out. Deceit handed Angel the dagger back and found someone with a bigger blade. He approached him and took the dagger, shoving it as far into the man's neck as possible. He then returned to Angel, who had a crazed, giddy expression. They followed the four, making silent plans to each other without saying anything.


Virgil stepped up on a platform that had since then never been used. It creaked and groaned with each step as he stood on the highest part. A few people were roaming around the village, some taking notice of the prince. He stuttered and glanced at the others, growing nervous.

"Uh...a-attention everyone!" No one turned, and Virgil's breathing became uneven. A few seconds passed of his failed attempts before Logan stood beside him. He took a breath, and Patton and Roman plugged their ears, with Virgil following one second before Logan put two fingers to his mouth and whistled high enough to bust someone's eardrums. People turned and walked up to the platform, some holding their heads with annoyed glares on their faces.

"Th-thanks, Logan" He nodded and walked down, giving Virgil the spotlight. He took a breath to calm himself before starting.

"Everyone, this kingdom is going to have some changes. It will not be the chaos that it is anymore. No one will be tortured, injured for no reason, or robbed. If you do not agree with this, you may leave. If you so dare to return after this, you will be executed or punished" Murmurs sounded from the crowd, and Virgil glanced at the others, who gave him reassuring smiles. He noticed the same kid he watched from the tower just a few days ago. Someone was beside him, but he couldn't see who from where he was. Just before they started this, Eliza had joined their announcement and acted as security in case there was a riot. Virgil continued speaking, but Deceit paid no attention to his words. He took the dagger and aimed it, preparing to make his strike. Angel watched, gripping his own weapon tightly, ready to defend both of them if necessary. There was a moment of hesitation as a though stood out in Deceit's mind. Virgil had been his friend, and he always had fun carrying out the prince's most important tasks. He shook the thought away and suddenly ran out, jumping onto the platform. Virgil gasped and tried to dodge, but didn't have to as Eliza dove in front of him, taking the hit for him. She fell to the ground, a slit in her throat. The defend gave Virgil enough time to move out of the way, and the people who had decided to side with him aimed their weapons at Deceit. Angel ran to him, striking the few who came close to the deceitful man. Roman moved in front of Virgil, unsheathing his katana to anyone who dared to try fighting him. Virgil hid and tried to pull Patton back, but failed and watched him run to Eliza. He tried picking her up, not being strong enough. Three people came up to him, and one raised a spiked bat, about to bash his skull in, when Logan dove at them, elbowing one in the stomach and kicking the other two. Patton had curled up, partly to defend himself and partly to defend the now-dead girl at his feet. Logan knelt to him, rubbing his back.

"Patton, come on. It's not safe out here" Patton shook his head, his body shaking as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"L-Logan...I...I can't...she..." Logan picked him up gently, petting his hair.

"She's dead, Patton. There's no fixing her" Patton held onto Logan tight, closing his eyes and curling up as reality began sinking in. Roman had been fighting off a lot of the people, and some had swords as well and was helping him. After a while, all of the ones who had been fighting against them were dead. The others who had helped turned to Virgil, who glanced around at the corpses.

"All of you have helped, therefore you may live. I understand some of you belong to the Kingdom of Disney, and you may return if you wish. The rest of you are free to make your own decisions" Roman turned to him, realizing what he was doing.

"Wait, you're not giving up your rule, are you?" Virgil bit his lip and nodded, taking off his crown.

"I am. I've hurt people for too long now, I don't deserve to be prince" The villagers stared at him, some gasping. Patton looked up at him from Logan's arms, shaking his head.

"Virgil, you shouldn't just stop ruling. This is your kingdom, you can't abandon it" Virgil looked down, staying true to his word.

"Patton, this isn't my kingdom anymore. I can't continue ruling. I don't know what will happen, but whatever does, it won't be while I have power" Patton nodded, leaning into Logan.

"But where will you go?" Virgil stared at the prince, silently praying his choice would be accepted.

"Maybe...your kingdom?" Roman blinked and contemplated, seeing Virgil's look of nervousness and doubt. He smiled and nodded, watching Virgil's face morph into one of relief.

"Of course you can. I'm sure I have another spare bedroom" Virgil hugged him tight, feeling his heart suddenly race at the contact. When he pulled back, he turned to the crowd of people.

"This place is no longer your kingdom. You may choose what to do next" They nodded, and some went to get their things from the small, broken down houses. Most of them left the kingdom to find their own, and some didn't choose a kingdom and lived where they wanted. About six of them moved to the four men, all of which Roman recognized as citizens from his kingdom. Virgil went in his room in the castle, taking some things he would need and putting them in a black and purple bookbag. He returned to the others who had been talking amongst themselves. The four glanced at each other, then began the path to the Kingdom of Disney. As they walked, Patton asked to be put down, and he started talking to the six behind him. A few of them he knew, but the other tree he didn't remember. He began making friends with them, but couldn't shake the now hollow feeling left over from his friend's death. Her body had disappeared in the fight, so he couldn't stop thinking that she may still be alive. Ahead of the newfound friend group, the three stayed silent. Logan was lost in thought, Virgil was fidgeting with his crown, and Roman stayed still as he stared at the emptiness around them. The blindingly white castle appeared from the horizon, and Roman held back a sigh of relief. He glanced at Virgil, watching him twirl the crown around his finger. He couldn't believe Virgil would just give up his rule like that. Then again, he loved his kingdom and every one of his subjects. Virgil on the other hand regretted everything he had ever done, and could barely think about the now-abandoned kingdom. Of course, he started thinking about it. Anxious thoughts filled his mind, and he was afraid Roman's subjects would hate or be scared of him. Staying with Roman had seemed like the perfect idea at first, but now he was nervous beyond comprehension. Roman took notice of this and moved closer, putting an arm around the ex-prince. Virgil tensed a bit, but relaxed in Roman's arms and leaned his head on his shoulder. It was entirely platonic, but he couldn't help the blush that had formed on his cheeks. He smiled a little, sighing in content. They neared the village and stopped right at the gates. Roman let go of Virgil, turning to him.

"Ready?" Virgil nodded, taking a deep breath as the gate was open.

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