Colt x oc kaitlin : forbidden lover

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Kaitlin lives in a town in the ngl she's a very sweet loving woman she loves every animal and plant and insect and human she loves everything and she's always out in a field playing with the animals and wild life she loves it it's peaceful she's always one to care for everyone no matter what but she doesn't know her town is going to be raided by chimera ants : Kaitlin is sitting in the field eating lunch and sharing her carrots with bunnies that surrounded her she has no clue her town in under attack all of a sudden she hears screaming the animals run away in fright Kaitlin stands confused and looks around and in her town is colt and his officers raiding the town colt as rammot are arguing about which humans to give to the queen and rammot punches his squadron leader and left a scratch on colts face and colt is furious and flies away looking down to make sure everyone is doing their jobs an they were and he sees a speck in the field and it's a human they missed a female human he lands right in front of Kaitlin she looks up in shock at the man or she doesn't know what he is who just flew down in front of her she stands up and looks at him and says Um hello I'm Katlin and how did you fly down here Colt just stands there examining her and before he could speak she gasps and says oh no sir are you alright here let me help you Kaitlin puts her hand on his face and looks at his cheek that's bleeding Colt stands there in shock by her sudden action Kaitlin then says here I got something to put on your face to help you she bends down and gets a medical kit out of her bag she carries Incase of emergency she takes out a antibacterial spray and gently mist his cheek and then puts something over it to stop the bleeding she then looks at him he's stunned at her kindness but his priority is the queen he thinks she looks at him as ask are you ok now he then speaks My name is Colt I am a squadron leader of the chimera ants and I serve the queen Kaitlin knows about the chimera ants she read about them and she stands there surprised that he let her get that close Kaitlin then ask um Colt did you raid my town he looks at her and sees tears in her eyes he then sighs softly and says the town will be fed to the queen to help with the birth of the king he looks at her about to grab her but he hesitates and sees fear on her face and she has a tear falling from her eyes he looks at her and looks actually sad he thinks she's gorgeous but she would never go for something like him a murder he says look im sparing you she looks at him confused and says huh why don't you need to feed your queen I thought you killed everyone she says this because she's compassionate about everyone even the queen as said she loves everything he says I want to protect you don't ask me why ok she nods not really understanding but glad to be alive as well he scratches the back of his neck nervous and looks up At her as she is watching a butterfly as it flies around them both it lands on her jacket and gets caught in a button he watches as she gently frees it and it crawls on her finger he says you love butterflies you set it free? She looks at him and smiles and says I love all insects everything has a place on earth even when they die they have a purpose he nods and smiles  and he thinks to himself how could a human make him feel so vulnerable and weak in the knees she looks at him as he's deep in thought she giggles at his expression he looks at her and chuckles and he says oh I never answered your question I flew down here with my wings he turns around and shows her and she looks at them and smiles and looks at him he nods understanding what she wants she gently touches them and giggles he says  Kaitlin I can take you for a fly if you would like she nods happily he takes her for a fly they have a blast she opens him up more and he tells her all about his life and even how he got hurt by rammot they talk for hours and at the end of the sunset he looks at her she looks at him he says I need to talk to you about something Kaitlin she nods listening to him he says I know we just met and I know I'm a chimera ant but would there be anyway you would want to be my mate she smiles understanding he means girlfriend she blushes and says Colt I see through all the bad you have done deep down I know your a good guy and I know you respect your queen and your a very loyal kind person he kisses her lips and hugs her gently she kisses back then ask are we allowed to date he says I'm not sure let me talk to the queen then Kaitlin says let me go with you he says it's dangerous I don't want you hurt then Kaitlin says she needs to meet me if I'm dating one of her children he nods understanding and flies them both to the nest Colt contacts the queen asking for permission to enter she grants and as they walk in the queen looks at Kaitlin then at colt and says why isn't this human in my stomach Colt says my queen may I have permission to speak and the Queen says granted he says my Queen I'm in love with this human I want her to be my mate may I have her please the Queen says absolutely not a human and chimera ant can't date now kill her or I will Colts heart breaks and Kaitlin's scared he grabs her and flies them both out in a hurry to save his love they hear the rest chasing them but they escape and Colt takes her into a hidden cave surrounded by a waterfall and tons of fruit trees he says Kaitlin you have to live here in order for them not to find you I'm sorry I brought you into this forgive me then Kaitlin hugs him and says I will live here it's beautiful but what about you will I see you again he says yes I will lie and say I killed you and I will come see you everyday they agree to have a secret relationship and as promised he told them he killed her and lost her body they believed him even the Queen did and he snuck out everyday to spend time with her as promised their love growing everyday for each other and after a year of dating they marry in secret and have a baby girl named rose they show that no matter what love conquers everything no matter what a human or chimera ant they love each other and did forever  having there secret life happily together  : a/n I really hope you enjoyed that I loved making it I love colt he's one of my favorites also Request are open!!!! Comment or message me your requests or what you think of the story and yes I know no punctuation I'm going to fix it have a wonderful day everyone

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