Chapter Six - Melancholy

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Hey, so before we begin I just wanna give a quick shout out to  @Yukina_Kushinada for doing an amazing drawing of the protagonist on their account, so make sure to check them out and show them some love!!!!


Nighttime had just hit as you entered your room, letting out a sigh as you blocked out the announcement playing through the monitor. At this point, it was all just white noise to you, the voices of the Monokubs blurring into nothingness the longer you stayed in the game. The fact that you were getting used to life in the academy was one you didn't like to think about, though you knew it was true, as everything you once thought was peculiar had faded into regularity.

Without bothering to change into your night clothes you curled up on your bed, pulling the covers over your shivering form. It seemed as if the nights were getting colder, or maybe the lack of rest had finally begun to affect your health. Either way, you needed all the warmth you could get, pulling your knees up to your chest in a comforting position as you tried to drift off to sleep.

But of course, the soothing hands of unconsciousness failed to pull you under, leaving you in a state of restlessness as your mind went wild with all the thoughts you had bottled up. The last few days had been confusing, if not utterly painful to experience. Three more people had died, killed in ways no human should have to undergo, on top of the horrid trial that went along with it. And it seemed that no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get Korekiyo's face out of your head. The way he so calmly stated his motive, unrelated to the circumstances of the killing game, brought a chill down your spine.

The day after everyone was in shock, though you were given a new motive nonetheless. A key card, unlocking what you could only assume to be the worst place imaginable. Before anyone could object Kokichi had taken it for himself, promising to search the school for the motive on his own. Later on he had come back empty handed, or so he claimed, though ever since he had put a lengthy distance between the two of you.

He was plotting something, you were almost certain of it, and that's what scared you the most. Kokichi was independant, you knew that from the start of your initial friendship with him, and the stubbornness that resided within his personality was enough to cause his downfall. Whatever he was planning, he wanted to do it alone, and if that meant cutting you out entirely then that's what he was going to do.

Never before had you been more worried about his well being until that moment as you laid on your bed, curled up underneath your covers with any thought of sleep long gone from your mind. He wasn't just your boyfriend, just some petty high school romance most refused to believe would last. Above everything, he was your best friend. He showed you a way of living that revolved around you , not your talent. And through everything, he had stayed by your side. You didn't know what you would do if you lost him.

Blinking hard, you felt a tear escape from your eye, hitting the pillow that cradled your head. This seemed to happen a lot lately; as soon as you were behind closed doors the tears would appear out of nowhere, bringing out all the feelings you had bottled up. Fear. Regret. Guilt. Anger. In the end, it never made you feel better like it used to. Now, all you could feel was a lingering hollowness that refused to go away.

Burying your face in your pillow, you tried to fight the onslaught of emotion that threatened to escape, biting your lip to stifle the sob building up in your throat. Just as you did so, the tone of your doorbell rang throughout the room, giving you a start. Confused, you quickly wiped your eyes and pulled yourself up from the bed, curiously making your way over to the door.

When you opened it, the person standing before you was one you didn't expect to see. Miu greeted you excitedly, a grin spread out over her features, "Hey (y/n)!"

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