Chapter Eight - Farewell

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"Oh, my, my, how peculiar. In the midst of all this wonderful despair a body has been discovered! Please everyone make their way to the Ultimate Hypnotist's research lab to start your investigation!"

The words of Monokuma resonated throughout the exisal hangar, echoing off the walls following a looming silence. Kokichi was sat on the floor, his back leaning against the cool metal of the hydraulic press as he pulled his knees to his chest. It was already crystal clear to him what he was going to do, to create a murder no one could solve, but when he heard those words ring out from the monitor all thoughts of his plan abandoned him.

She was the only person who ever went into her lab now that Miu was gone, it was almost like her safe space. And considering the events that conspired that night, it would've been a given that she would retreat to her lab, seeking the comfort it gave off. But he didn't want to believe it, he didn't want it to be logical. Because if he stuck with logic, she would've been the body the announcement was referring to.

Without even thinking he shot up to his feet, casting a glance to the bathroom on the opposite side of the room. Kaito was locked in there, regaining consciousness shortly after Kokichi retreated to the hangar. At first he was livid, hitting the door as hard as he could in an attempt to escape, but after a while he had given up. Maybe he was asleep now, maybe he just stopped fighting, but whatever the case, Kokichi had to let him go.

Despite the feeling of restlessness that settled in his stomach, he made his way in the opposite direction, opening the door to the bathroom. As soon as he did so Kaito jumped on him, tackling his small form to the ground as he reeled his arm upwards, aiming a hit straight for his jaw. Kokichi let out a stifled yelp at the pain, stopping Kaito before he could lift his hand up once more, "Hey, idiot, do you wanna get out of this place or what!?"

Kaito paused, his fist balled above his head as a look of confusion graced his features, "Huh? What do you mean?" His expression quickly changed to one of anger, "Wait, you're just trying to trick me again, aren't you?"

"I wish I was, but sadly I'm completely honest. Didn't you hear the announcement? A body was found," Kokichi explained, struggling out of his grasp and jumping to his feet.

Kaito pulled himself up as well, albeit a bit slower than the other had, taking a few steps backwards, "What? No, I can't hear anything in there. But I thought the killing game was over, you ended it. There wouldn't even be a motive for someone to kill anymore."

"Well apparently they did have a motive, because a body was found in (y/n)'s lab," Kokichi explained, his voice faltering slightly when her name left his mouth. Ignoring the slip-up, he continued, "And who knows, maybe I decided this wasn't so boring after all! Now, if you don't want to die in this class trial you should probably take this opportunity to escape."

Kaito's face lit up once he spotted the opened door of the exisal hangar, not even muttering out a response before bolting out into the corridor despite his injuries. His heavy footsteps resounded through the structure until they slowly faded away, leaving Kokichi in complete solitude as the silence weighed on his shoulders. Letting out a sigh, he kicked the floor, dust wisping into the air from the action as he shoved his hands into his pockets. The curiosity was eating away at his mind, but at the same time he didn't want an answer. He just wanted to believe, if only for a few moments longer, that everything was going to be alright.

Clenching his fists, he let his concern get the best of him as he sprinted out of the hangar, all previous thoughts gone from his mind. The only thing he could think about now was (y/n), hoping, praying she was alright. He flew up the front steps to the entrance with little restraint, pushing open the doors and making a break for the stairs. How could he have been so stupid before, hesitating in a moment like this?

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