27: Bent

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It's been about a week, and we were back in Cleveland. Mars had found a way to find out when Boa would be alone. Mr. Baker wanted to see what he got out of me, and to make him pay for the loss of our child. I told him to drop it, but this was his way of making peace.

We got out of our cars. All of us were there, except Tasha. I told her to stay with Mae. Dub, Rook, Ace, Mars, Mr. Baker, and myself were all on time.

"Ready, baby?" Mr. Baker asked, looking at me.

I nodded and he kicked the door open. More for appearance than for actual purpose. It was still hot either way.

We walked in, guns aimed and loaded. We found him in the living room.

"Baby Doll, were the theatrics necessary?" Boa pouted his lips, slowing turning to face us, shirtless. "I would have let you in. Oh... You brought company."

"It's Marilyn to you." Mr. Baker pointed his gun at Boa.

"Darling, why are you here? Ready for another session?" He smiled cockily.

"Last warning." Mars echoed.

Dub was behind him, Rook and Ace at his sides, I was directly in front of him with Mars and Mr. Baker on beside me.

"Is this about the baby, hun?" He mocked the warnings. "No matter how many warnings they won't shoot me."

"Really!" Mr. Baker growled.

Before he could pull the trigger I already had. I shot him in the leg where he wouldn't bleed out but it would be painful.

"I don't fucking care." I walk over to him as he falls to the floor, holding his leg. I grip his face and make him look at me. "I'm no one's bitch."

"No, but now you aren't a mom either." He chuckled.

"I am. Whether you like it or not, I am a mother. I have my kid. I love my kid. What do you have? Money? Drugs? Connections? Bitches? Tell me. Do those keep you warm and protected at night?" I squatted down to his level. "No? Let me help with that. Round it all up."

Everyone went and found the money and put it in a pile. Mars soaked it with gasoline and Mr. Baker set it on fire. We put it to where, it was a controlled fire.

"Feeling warmer, yet, hun?" I let go of his face roughly.

"Is that all you have?" He chuckled.

"Me? Oh, no. I wouldn't know where to start." I stood up and walked over to his liquor table, making me a drink. "That's why I'm going to let him choose for me."

I took the gun from Mr. Baker and gave him a thin blade.

"The baby you took from me was his, but I'm guessing you knew that. Right?" I smirked.

A couple hours of Mr. Baker torturing Bao and me telling him what to do and how to passed. It was a thrill and it really turned me on. It was my turn, now.

"Why did you have to bring Slim into it?" I ask.

"I didn't know he was in the car. It was supposed to just be you." His breathes heavy.

"Why did you want to kill me?" I ask.

"What? No. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to get to Kells. I figured since he didn't try to find who did this the first time, he would search the second. I guess it worked, because here he is." Boa took deep breathes.

"What did you want with him?" I ask, sitting on the arm of the chair he's sitting in.

"I wanted to warn him."

"About you? That was a terrible warning, but point proven." I crossed my arms.

"No... about Hal. I knew you wouldn't listen. Hal has been working behind your mom's back. He's going to try to wipe out the EST gang. Your mom wants to join it. She's trying to get you to marry Kells, so that it'll be official." He informed.

"Why couldn't you just say that in the first place?" Mars asks.

"Would you have listened?"

"Probably not." Rook spoke up.

Mr. Baker's phone rings, and he steps aside to answer it.

"Answer me this. Why not drug me like I did to you?" Boa asks, exhausted from the torture.

"Oh..." I stabbed the knife into his leg, as he screamed out in pain. "Because I want you to feel everything and remember every detail."

I bent the thin blade, causing it to break off. Mr. Baker walked back in and cleared his throat.

"M..." His voice was humble. "It's Slim."

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