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, was feeling so good.
How gladly I wish

I could.


, was feeling so fine.
How I want
you to be mine.

How I want you to be mine.

You'll take your time,

I'll take mine.

But hurry up with your confilctions

I won't wait for long.


, was thrown in and away.

How you wish

to wait another day.


, was forgotten behind.

How you never cared

I'm fine.

How I fall on to my knees.

Before you'll break me down-

No I will not.

But take your time and

take your bullshit away.

Because I won't,

I won't write the pages for you.

If yesterday was simple and fun

but I won't see pleasure 

circle my heart.

Then, I won't look for you.

If yesterday was depressing and sad

decide to take a piece of me

and won't give it back.

Then, I will break you,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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