Rant #16. ❄️Snow

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I've always loved snow but, lately it's been getting on my freaking nerves. The snow is mushy now and it has a tint of yellow and brown color to it.

I'm starting to wonder if that's natural.

Well now we have ice. Everywhere. My driveway is caked with this slippery solid and I swear, I can't walk down it for the life of me.

There are 15 year olds in the Olympic Games for ice skating and I can't even walk down my driveway without bruising my butt or breaking my nose.

Just now me and my brother were trying to pull our trash and recycle bin up the drive way.

Emphasis on the trying part.

It took us a legitimate 20 minutes. We started to use a rope to lasso the bins then try to pull them up the steep slope of our drive way one by one.

We were out there for so long I'm surprised my hands haven't developed frost bite.

Well actually, 15 minutes of those 20 minutes were probably spent with my brother and I falling and laughing at each other and then butt scooting down the drive way.

Yea, that's how mature we are.

I have a really awesome friend and she's an ice skater. I've watched her skate and des jaw dropping good. I mean she's not even 14 yet and she skates like an Olympic gold medalist! Every weekend she travels out of state just for professionals lessons!
(And my parents are over there complaining about taking me out of state a couple times a year.)
Once we went skating together and she's on the ice doing double axils and I'm over by the wall trying not to end up in the ER.

When she goes to 2022 Winter Olympics I so called it.
I feel like when people think of snow the most stereotypical thoughts come to mind like:
1) watching snow peacefully fall from the sky.

2) Waking up to a winter wonderland.

3) Having epic snowball fights.

4) Building forts and snowmen.

But, that's not the case for me. I'm always the one trying to get inside the house so I won't develop a severe case of hypothermia and die.

And plus, for us when the snow comes down its not a little sprinkle if snow here and there, it's a freaking snow storm that has snow falling down from the heavens that feeling more like my brothers brains falling down on us.

(He has no brains. I'm pretty sure it's just a rock that fills the empty space in his head.)

Get the joke?

Laugh! I'm hysterical!

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Does it snow heavily where you guys live? This chapter is dedicated to this amazing human being liu14467! She is actually the ice skater in this story!
Nicolette Crimson 💜

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