Emotional Roller Coaster

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A/N: Pie, pie, PIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEE. If you read that like 'dun dun dunnnnn' Vote ;p Well, vote even if you didn't.... bye :s

"Bye guys!" I wave to Niall and Lexi at about 9pm as they walk down the driveway. I shut the door and join my dad on the sofa. "Hey daddy." I kiss his cheek.

"Hi pumpkin." He slings his arm around me. I yawn. "Tired? You should get some rest." He says.

"Okay, dad, I'll see you tomorrow morning." I kiss his cheek again, feeling his gray scruff on my lips. I get up, "Oh by the way! Danny got into Brockenhurst, too!" Dad's eyes light up behind his glasses and I smile down at his green eyes like mine.

"That's amazing. I can't wait to watch you guys grow up together." He smiles, and I laugh, going into the kitchen to say goodnight to my mom who's still making pies. "Goodnight, mom." I kiss her cheek. "Get some sleep, okay? We don't need a billion pies."

"It's so fun though..." She sighs. I pat her back. She smiles and says goodnight and she loves me as I walk down the hall to my room. I lay in my bed, and hear dad coming down the hall. He closes mom and his bedroom door, and I can still hear mom walking around working in the kitchen. Soon, I drift off and fall asleep.

I wake up to a really loud beeping noise and I wake up, coughing as I turn on bedroom light. I'm suprised to see dark gray smoke filling my bedroom. I cough more as I look at it. What's going on? I run out of my room, and start towards the kitchen, but see blaring red flames in my way. I stand there shocked and can't move. I scream for my mom but no answer, and then my dad shows up beside me. "Lucia, get out of the house!" He yells.

"But, the flames are in the way!" I start to cry half because of the smoke, half because of what's happening.

"Climb out a window!" He yells. I cry harder, panicking.

"What about-"

He interupts. "I'll get your mother, just get out of here!" He screams, frustrated.

I run back into my bedroom, and get low because of the smoke, once I reach the window, I open it, and hear the sirens from the firetrucks. Tears are streaming down my face, and I jump out the window, tucking and rolling so I don't hurt myself. I look at my house and the flames are covering almost all of it. My heart breaks into a million pieces when I realise Molly's still inside. I cry harder than I've ever cried before. I've pretty much just lost everything if my parents can't be saved. I feel a pair of arms drag me to the road and realise that it's a firefighter. I sit there coughing and feel two pairs of arms hugging me. I'm still crying and then see that it's Danny and Alexia. I cry even harder. Alexia is bawling, "Oh, Lucia, I thought I was never going to see you again!" Danny's crying too, suprisingly and they both hug me tight as I cry my eyes out, not being able to speak.

Minutes later, we're sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for my parents to come outside. Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see a tall firefighter standing above me, "Lucia Goodwin?" He asks.

"Yes..." I cry.

He takes off his helmet, "I'm sorry, but your parents were found dead in the house." I can't handle all that has happened tonight, and I turn and cry in Danny's arms, harder than before.

"Did you find a small white terrier with a pink bow by any chance?" Alexia asks and I cry harder than that.

"Yes, she was found hiding underneath a bed." The fireman replies.

"Dead or alive?" Danny asks.

"Dead, I'm afraid." I cry hardest now, not being able to understand. Lexi and Danny rub my back, comforting me, and I just cry really hard. "Darling, I'm going to have to ask for your age?"

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