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"Holy shit."

Minghao and Junhui broke eye contact with each other, their heads snapping to the front door. Standing there was Hansol and Seungkwan, eyes wide, cheeks red, mouths opened agape.

"First we walk in on Soonyoung hyung and Jihoon hyung, now you two?!" Seungkwan whined, covering his face with his hands.

"Really Minghao? On the couch?!" Hansol scolded him.

"Ya! Did you forget we're older? Show some respect!" Minghao retorted, sitting up from his position, legs still on either side of Junhui.

Junhui sat up, his back now against the arm of the couch. He watched and Hansol rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, you told me to drop the honorifics when you first moved in."

"Ha, exposed." Seungkwan snickered, stopping when Minghao glared at him.

"Anyways..." Hansol changed the subject. "We were gonna go visit Jihoon to ask him for a favor, but then we uh, interrupted his time with Soonyoung hyung so we came here."

"What's the favor?" Minghao got off of Junhui, sitting on the opposite side of the couch, causing Junhui to pout at the lack of warmth.

"Well, I heard he's a producer so I wanted to know if he would help me record a rap that I made a while back." Hansol told them.

"Wait, you rap?" Seungkwan and Junhui asked in unison, and Hansol nodded in response.

"I've been rapping since I was 17." The blonde explained. Seungkwan looked up at him, admiration evident in his eyes.

"Oh wow, I'm pretty sure Jihoon would love to help you." Junhui nodded, smiling when Hansol fist pumped the air.

"Yes!" He shouted with glee.

"Oh! Junhui used to perf-" Seungkwan cut himself off, eyes widening as Junhui stiffened. Seungkwan's regret filled eyes looked over at Junhui who was glaring at him.

Minghao sensed the tension, and placed a careful hand on Junhui's thigh. Hansol noticed the awkwardness and pulled Seungkwan out of the room, and into his own.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me now, we've only known each other for a short amount time. You don't have to open up so soon." Minghao slid closer to Junhui, and wrapped his arm around him.

"I'll tell you eventually, just.... not right now." Junhui reassured him, Minghao just nodded in response, kissing his cheek. Junhui turned his head and connected their lips. This one was more gentle than their first one, Junhui could feel the warmth spread from his lips to the rest of his body.

Minghao broke the kiss at the sound of the dryer beeping. He sighed, getting up and walked into the bathroom, grabbing Junhui's clothes from the dryer. Junhui was outside waiting for him, so Minghao handed the clothes to him.

"Go get dressed, I'll meet you at the front door." Minghao walked away passing by Hansol's room, stopping when he heard Seungkwan's voice.

Curious, he put his ear against the door, listening to their conversation.

"I didn't mean to mention it, it just slipped out. It's going to be very triggering for him since the anniversary is coming up." Seungkwan's regret filled voice spoke.

"He didn't seem that triggered when you mentioned it." Hansol said.

"That's 'cause he's not gonna show his weak side, especially around Minghao."

"Oh." Minghao decided he heard enough, and walked away from Hansol's room, millions of questions running through his head. As he approached the front door he couldn't help but wonder what the meaning was behind Seungkwan's words.

Anniversary? For what?

Minghao was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice Junhui approached him until he felt a soft pair of lips against his temple. He looked up, seeing Junhui smiling down at him.

"Ready?" Junhui asked, and Minghao nodded, opening the door. Minghao peeked his head out, looking around. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining down brightly on the city of L.A.

"Let's go!" The two boys quickly began their journey to Cafe Mansae, the back of Minghao's hand brushing against Junhui's. A smile appeared on Minghao's face as Junhui slipped his hand into Minghao's, their fingers intertwining.

A bell sound signalled their entrance and they smiled, seeing Wonwoo at the counter.

"Hey Wonu." Junhui greeted his younger friend, Minghao just waved.

"Hey guys, is it going to be your usuals?" Wonwoo asked, and the two boys nodded in response.

"Two Oreo milk teas coming right up." He punched their order into the register. Minghao was about to reach in his pocket for his wallet when Junhui's hand stopped him.

"I'm paying." Junhui handed the money to Wonwoo, the assistant manager laughing at Minghao's expression.

"I wanted to pay." Minghao whined, his lips forming a pout. Junhui pressed a quick peck to his pouting lips, and two figures walked out the side door.

"Minghao hyung?"


Both boys turned their heads to see Chan and Jisoo's excited faces. Junhui eyes widened, he had forgotten about Jisoo, and smiled softly at the memory of their conversation. He hoped they could become good friends.

"Chan, they're on a date, don't bother them." Wonwoo scolded the younger, and Chan sighed, getting back to work.

"Date?" Jisoo looked at Junhui with confusion. "Is he the one who..." He trailed off.

Junhui nodded, and Jisoo's eyes grew wide, turning sharp as a glint of anger passed over them. Junhui noticed his sudden change of mood and quickly shook his head, dismissing all of Jisoo's anger.

"No,  no,  no,  we're good now. Don't worry. One of our friends got hurt and he had to go to the hospital with him, and the performance happening across the street wasn't them. It was another group." Junhui explained as a confused Minghao and Wonwoo looked between the two, realization dawning on the two of them when Junhui explained. Jisoo's eyes softened at the reassurance.

"That's good, I'm happy for you." Jisoo smiled, taking their order from Chan. As he handed them their order, he held his hand out in front of Minghao.

"Hong Jisoo." He introduced himself.

Minghao shook his hand gently, smiling softly.

"Xu Minghao."

"I hope we can be friends." Jisoo spoke and Minghao nodded in agreement.

"Yes let's be friends."


Yayyy shua's back into the mix!

Quick announcement:
School vacation is ending soon, so idk how frequent updates are gonna be but, i will try to update as much as i can.

I hoped you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment, i like reading your comments as you read. Its nice to know your reactions and thoughts at certain parts.


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