Chapter 12: next magcon week

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Me and the boys are just watching tv and i could tell that shawn is looking at me and then i was looking at him and then i look at taylor and he was looking at me then back at shawn and we both was looking at the tv watching spongebob square pants."guys i hate this show"said cheyanne looking at Carter and the rest of magcon."why babe "said taylor looking at me and shawn is too."it is full of shit and mostly stupid"said cheyanne and taylor went to his bed."chey u upset tay and now he is going to be mad at u until u are gone"said nash looking at me and then i went after taylor."tay can i come in or not"said cheyanne and the curtain is open."chey why are u still here i thought they were going to let u go back home"said taylor looking at me and he was right i should leave and they can be happy and i don't have to see shawn anymore."okay then i will leave and taylor, me and u are done"said cheyanne getting all of her stuff and then leaving then cheyanne was at the front of james car and looking back at shawn and the others and not taylor."let's go chey, me and the 1d boys are happy that u are here with us"said james looking at me and i looked at him with a sad face."okay and can u tell me when we are at ur house i am going to take a nap"said cheyanne looking at james sleepy. "Okay chey"said james and cheyanne is sleeping about seeing 1d boys again and her ex-boyfriend taylor caniff but then james wake her up."sorry chey but we are here"said james and cheyanne got out of the car and went up the front door to see zayn smiling at cheyanne and huged her and cheyanne huged back."chey i miss u so much and what happened i thought u were going on tour with magcon"said zayn and then cheyanne started to cry."what happened to chey"said louis and niall at the same time."i have no idea lou and ni"said zayn and then zayn set cheyanne on the couch and sit next to her."what happened chey"said liam looking at me and then zayn whipped a tear from my eyes." I broke up with taylor and i have to say something else"said cheyanne looking at 1D and james."what is it chey"said james looking at me."i had sex with shawn and holly shit that happened and i didn't say anything to taylor when we broke up"said cheyanne feeling bad again and zayn put his arm around her and kissed her head."don't chey he is not that so  good looking anyway and i think that taylor caniff is a douche anyway"said zayn that makes me laugh a little bit."u are right zayn and i kinda don't want to go back to school tomorrow "said cheyanne looking at the ground."wait chey u said that u have school tomorrow right?"said james looking at cheyanne."right but why are u looking at me like that"said cheyanne looking at james."u don't have to go because u are on tour with us and i don't have to take u back to that fucking airport again"said james and i kinda like it when i see james all pissed off."that's great james but why are u being so nice to me and not mean i like it when u are mean"said cheyanne pouting and james rolled his eyes at me."chey i am taking care of u and not some magcon boys that they are mean to u and i don't like it when u are down"said james giving me a hug along with 1d."thanks james and 1d"said cheyanne.

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