Chapter 19: hanging out with Emery Kelly

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I was done with school and my best friend name Emery Kelly come and pick me up and take me to the mall"so chey how was school today"said emery looking at me while parking the car at the mall."it was good i am in 9th grade now"said cheyanne looking emery and getting her phone from her bag that she have."oh cool so me and my band is going back on tour next week are u in or not"said emery putting his arm around me and i smiled because i like it."um hell yeah i am going with u"said cheyanne and emery huged cheyanne and cheyanne huged back emery."cool but u do have to go to school tomorrow"said Emery looking at me."oh shit"said cheyanne looking at her phone and look back up at emery."so how is liam attridge and ricky Garcia doing"said cheyanne looking at emery."good chey they miss u and i missed u"said emery looking at me and given me a kiss on the lips then we went home or to the school to watch mason win his basketball game."hey chey"said mason looking at me then at emery."emery this is mason amd mason this is emery kelly my boyfriend"said cheyanne looking at mason and mason and emery shake hands."what up man"said emery and cheyanne rolled her eyes at emery saying that."i'm good just going to win tonights game against uper doplan"said mason looking at emery."good luck man"said emery to mason and mason was looking at me."i will kelly and see ya chey"said mason looking at me."wow so thats mason hambright the guy u are crazy with"said emery pushing me sightly and i push him off of his seat."oh my god i am sorry em i shouldn't do that to u"said cheyanne laughing at emery and emery push cheyanne off of her seat."i guess that we are even then"said emery pushing cheyanne up and looking at me."thanks and yup"said cheyanne looking at emery and looking at mason shooting hoops."hey tyler awesome shot"said cheyanne yelling at tyler."thanks chey and wow u look great"said tyler looking up and down."thanks and emery this is tyler wilman and tyler this is emery kelly my boyfriend"said cheyanne looking at tyler and back at emery."nice to meet u Kelly"said tyler looking at emery."u too wilman"said emery looking at tyler then back at me.

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