New Reporter

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The next day I waited by the elevator to level 600 of S.T.A.R Labs for Caitlin. She hasn't answer any of my text and I was worry. The girl had way to much to drink the night before.

"You know she probably just took a sick day." Barry points out as he approached me bearing two mugs of coffee.

"Thanks," I mumbled as he gave me one. "Yeah, but she would have at least called in by now to let us know."

"True," Barry shrugs as he leans against the wall with me. "But with the hangover she must be having I wouldn't blame her." Barry phone goes off and I look over in hopes it's a text from Caitlin, but become disappointed quickly when it's only a text from Joe. "She's fine, Madison. If you want I can speed over there and check up on-" 

"No! I will not become a helicopter parent."

"I think its to late for that." Barry snicked into his mug earning himself my famous side eyes. "Oh and Linda texted me. Wanted to hang out, but I can say no."

"Question, does she know you have a girlfriend?" 

"Yes. I made sure to make that very clear."

"Good. Do you like her?"

"Maddy, I can say no if you're not okay with it." Barry softly smiles. "And no, I don't see her in that way. She's new to town and I'm the only person she knows. If you want you are more then welcome to tag along. She wants to go bowling on Saturday."

"Can't. I have that awards think with Austin," I remind him. "But you should go and have fun, but of course not to much." I tease.

"You sure?" Barry ask carefully.

"One hundred percent." I smile leaning in to kiss Barry who's lips taste like coffee beans. I trust Barry. I really do. I just don't trust Linda since she's a girl I've never meet before, but if Barry says he doesn't like her like that then I believe him. 

As I pull away from the kiss, the elevator doors open to reveal a bundled up Caitlin. Even with the wool yellow scarf and huge sunglasses covering her face I can tell she is very grumpy and tired.

"Hi!" says Barry with a raspy voice.

"So loud." Caitlin complains, as she continues to walk down the corridor. Barry and I looked at each other and try our best to hold in a laugh. Caitlin is so hungover.

"Just checking to see if you're okay." I chirped following into step with Caitlin with Barry and I on either side of her.

"Let's just say I envy your inability to get drunk."Caitlin says while looking straight ahead. "I don't remember much from last night."

 "Yeah, that's probably for the best." I giggle.

"Summer lovin-"

"Oh, God." Caitlin cringes as she cuts Barry off from singing. "That I do remember." We continue to walk in silence after that to not bother Caitlin as much, but once we entered the main room Barry broke the silence due to the noticeable tension between Dr. Wells and Cisco.

"What's wrong?"

"Cisco Has something he needs to tell you." Wells declares with his arms crossed.

"Hartley's gone." Cisco states weakly.

"He escaped from the Pipeline?" Barry asked shocked. "How is that even possible?" Based on the tension I could tell this was no accident.

"You let him out, didn't you?" I ask. Cisco nodded and looked over at Caitlin. 

"Are you mad? I can't tell with those glasses on."

"I'd like to yell and wave my arms, but I'm afraid I'd throw up." Caitlin replies.

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